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Comment count is 8
Aelric - 2012-07-08

Most of the time comedy doesn't translate across language barriers. Maybe I'm more receptive because it's Arino, but this was actually hilarious.

Ranma X. - 2012-07-08

Yeah, the humor is in seeing middle-aged men struggle to have a conversation while sounding like children. Having them do shit in Akiba as well as seeing Arino get hit adds to that.

Vaidency - 2012-07-08

Agreed, apparently there is a kind of universal appeal in watching men in ridiculous costumes slap each other and be abused by a professional surly waitress.

SolRo - 2012-07-08

Ok, moving to Japan.

Reefer Fez - 2012-07-08

Just like to say, I watch this show, "Lincoln", every week. 95% of the time, it's pretty damn awesome.

Nikon - 2012-07-08

The tsundere waitress was awesome.

Nikon - 2012-07-08

It's funny but I feel so bad for Arino.

Kid Fenris - 2012-07-09

Sure, when Japanese comedians show off their naked anime toys over lunch it's CUTE, but when I DO IT the police can't get to Arby's fast enough.

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