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Desc:One of the most disturbing films ever made. NSFW, NSFL, also really depressing.
Category:Horror, Classic Movies
Tags:Incest, documentary, pure evil, just melvin just evil
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Comment count is 17
Hooker - 2012-07-08

I don't want to watch this. Five stars.

lordyam - 2012-07-09

:'/ i did for you

Knaaks - 2012-07-08

I started watching this instead of Teen Witch, and I immediately regretted my decision.

Vaidency - 2012-07-08

So you're saying this doesn't top it?

The Mothership - 2012-07-08

'Havin' sex with your daughters' wrong; but a lot of people do it.'

Jesus fucking christ this..... this...

oh god, the twist...

Also, this is in northern California, Oregon and Washington. What is it about the Pacific Northwest that makes it such a hotbed of pedos & child trafficking/prostitution?

Fuck you Jangbones, this ruined my evening.

kingarthur - 2012-07-08

You should try out coastal Mississippi for all your child trafficking and pedophilia needs. We got notices every day in the mail for a month after Katrina was over that there were sex offenders moving into the neighborhood. There's an almost daily occurrence of the two local sheriff's departments busting guys for child porn here.

jangbones - 2012-07-08

Well at least I tried to warn everyone

Immediately after watching the entire thing, I thought "Why did I just do that?"

The Mothership - 2012-07-08

Oh I'm not actually angry at you, bones; after watching this I just needed to yell at somebody. :(

theraygunwing - 2012-07-08

incredible. watch till the end for the funeral footage, which is absolutely amazing.

kamlem - 2012-07-08

Amazing documentary.

dairyqueenlatifah - 2012-07-08

I just finished watching the whole thing.

Holy shit, depressing is right.

Prickly Pete - 2012-07-08

Watch for the incest, stay for the notation at 40:49

Lothar - 2012-07-08

I believe Melvin.

Jet Bin Fever - 2012-07-09

If you don't watch any of the rest of it (which you should if you can stomach it and don't have any trigger issues), watch the ending.

Old_Zircon - 2012-09-28

I'm finally watching this and it's pretty incredible. Thank god my father went to college and got away from his family before he had me, because this isn't too far off from what the rest of his side is like, and seeing this makes me respect him even more for having gotten out made a good life for us, and becoming one of the most emotionally stable people I know.

Old_Zircon - 2012-09-28

So much of this (the daughter trying to shoot him, him killing someone along the highway but never being implicated) is stuff that happened in my father's household when he was growing up, too.

jangbones - 2012-09-29


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