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Comment count is 12
John Holmes Motherfucker - 2012-07-17

I actually got to see this as a kid and loved it. In retrospect, yes, I suppose it might be construed by some hollyweird liberals as slightly racist.

"I'm from the licensing bureau. I'm here to make sure your wild man has the required wild man licence."

Robin Kestrel - 2012-07-17

I am sorry, but I laughed out loud at 9:33.

Children getting hurt is always funny.

Robin Kestrel - 2012-07-17

Also, 10:38 - Get used to it, kid.

Paracelsus - 2012-07-17

I was reading your comment when 10:38 happened. If I had more stars...

Toenails - 2012-07-17

I grew up watching this episode, which was on an old VHS at my grandparents. It was kinda funny and we often quoted "Yum Yum Eat'm Up!", but I preferred their stash of Three Stooges shorts.

Never thought it was racist, because either I was too young to know things like that, or it just didn't seem that bad when compared to "The Jerk" which was also frequently watched at their house.

chairsforcheap - 2012-07-17

oh toenails, you suck in every way.

Pillager - 2012-07-17

Relative to my uncle's Amos & Andy 8 tracks, this ain't so bad.

Paracelsus - 2012-07-17

3:46. "I don't want no wild mans nibblin on me." Words to live by.

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2012-07-18

This time around, I found myself curious about the Wild Man.

John Lester Johnson was his name, and here's his IMDB page:


He was a boxer before he was an actor. Needless to say, he played a whole bunch of butlers, porters, doormen, and drivers. I submit that he was pretty good in this.

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2012-07-18

Anybody who wants to read an article about John Lester Johnson cab downlad a PDF here:


Ranma X. - 2012-07-18

That's worth a couple of stars JHM

dairyqueenlatifah - 2012-07-18

The wild man is kinda sexy.

Also, I didn't find this the least bit racist. Sure, it showcases the age old, shameless tribal African archetype, but it's no more racist than Speedy Gonzales.

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