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Comment count is 15
Riskbreaker - 2012-07-17

"The citizen kane of video game writing.-Ign"

deadpan - 2012-07-17

A rich and varied dialogue system allows you to play Geralt as an obnoxious asshole, an impatient asshole or a sarcastic asshole.

SteamPoweredKleenex - 2012-07-17

I quit playing about a half an hour in because he wouldn't stop being an emo asshole.

Pope Caius - 2012-07-17

Don't forget womanizing asshole!

Caminante Nocturno - 2012-07-17

What's everyone complaining about? That's a perfectly natural reaction to meeting someone like that.

Xenocide - 2012-07-17

Strawberry Shortcake had it coming.

Xenocide - 2012-07-17

I can't remember the last time they came up a new video game protagonist who was a halfway likeable person.

FABIO - 2012-07-17

The voice acting had such jarringly off key inflection (probably due to a Pole failing to direct the english speaking voice actors) that it got to be very amusing. I'd take unintentionally hilarious stuff like this over any SERIOUS TRUE LOVE Bioware game.

The actual plot is pretty good. This game had the best depiction of dwares and elves in a fantasy game. Dragon Age tried hard to copy the whole "oppressed minority" thing, but failed to capture what made it work in The Witcher. Basically everyone in the game world is an asshole. I ended up siding with the Templar Knights because even though they were Evangelical assholes, the elves were Tea Party assholes.

There was some clip I found a while ago but can't now that I was going to submit. Some male bonding scene with Gerhalt and his friends talking about WOMEN AMIRIGHT in the same kind of off tone dialog with the added bonus of wobble-vision to simulate drunkeness. Afterwards you stumble home to your girlfriend and try to score some only to be scolded for being a bad example in front of her newly adopted kid.

Pope Caius - 2012-07-17

I've always preferred the Gothic series.

SteamPoweredKleenex - 2012-07-18

By "best" you mean "most cliched towards everyone replacing small talk about the weather with racism?"

FABIO - 2012-07-18

As in they aren't perfect wise angelic beings of nature loving light pointlessly persecuted by meany dumb dumb humans.

The bar for elves in fantasy is really fucking low.

WHO WANTS DESSERT - 2012-07-17

I'll show you a real man's balls!

FABIO - 2012-07-18

You literally can't walk more than a block in the cities without someone telling you your mother sucks dwarf cock.

Nikon - 2012-07-18

The lords are coming-

Caminante Nocturno - 2012-07-18


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