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Comment count is 15
The Mothership - 2012-07-19

Mongo only pawn.... in game of life.

The Mothership - 2012-07-19

jaggalos? jaggalos, really JHM?

Chancho - 2012-07-19

Drinking soda is pretty badass. Go ninja! Go ninja!

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2012-07-19

Faygo soda is actually pretty good. My mom used to buy Faygo Diet soda. What Alex said about nobody making diet soda as good as Faygo rang true for me when I saw the ad back then. It was the time of saccharin, and any diet soda you could force yourself to drink was well above average.

Faygo is less common around here these days. In the big supermarkets, it's been replaced by Polar, a brand that also outclasses Pepsico and whatnot for quality, variety, and price.

cognitivedissonance - 2012-07-19

Shasta 4lyfe

Cena_mark - 2012-07-19

Polar pineapple kicks ass.

split tail - 2012-07-19

We sell faygo root beer at our restaurant. It seems we can never keep enough of it in stock. Though I'm not a soda fan, one day I think I'll give it try, just to see what all the fuss is about.

Cena_mark - 2012-07-19

If Faygo did make pizza would ICP be chucking those into crowds as well?

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2012-07-19

Do you doubt it?

chumbucket - 2012-07-19

I can't think of anything that isn't fattening, period.

Old_Zircon - 2012-07-19


Jet Bin Fever - 2012-07-19

Sorry to ruin it, but tapeworms do nothing to your weight at all. They just live happily in your gut, producing thousands of eggs and growing segment by segment until finally they break off. No real pathology at all.

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2012-07-20

Interestingly, Faygo DOES make tapeworms.

Cockmaster Flash - 2012-10-11

Faygo killed Alex Karras.

Bort - 2014-01-08

I drank a Faygo Moon Mist this morning and forgot how gravity works for a while.

You don't suppose Bill O'Reilly is a closet Juggalo, do you?

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