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Comment count is 11
John Holmes Motherfucker - 2012-07-26

OMG I really didn't think this premise was going to be worth more than one episode. How wrong was that?

Ursa_minor - 2012-07-26

I love the discoveries about the house.

Hooker - 2012-07-26

The Onion has got to be the best Internet media outlet that exists right now. Or do they get to air this on TV somewhere?

CornOnTheCabre - 2012-07-26

I have to agree, particularly considering the level of quality discussion that's begin to pour out of AV Club and The Gameological Society. I, for one, welcome our new media overlords.

Grandmaster Funk - 2012-07-26

Fake news has become real news, and perhaps more distressingly, real news has become fake news. This has been going on for a while.

My question is this: how long before this isn't even noteworthy anymore? How long before we start taking it for granted (rightly or wrongly) that comedy oultlets are better all-around sources for current-events updates and commentary than major mainstream media outlets?

Old_Zircon - 2012-07-26

Sometime around 2007.

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2012-07-27

It's the marketplace. Only Jon Stewart can tell you that the obvious liar is lying, because the "real" news outlet doesn't want to anger its demographic by appearing "biased". I wouldn't say that Stewart is our best source of news, but he's definitely our best highly visible media critic. And, holy fucking shit, do we need one!

jangbones - 2012-07-26

I have never laughed at loud at the phrase "big fat rapist" before.

13.5 - 2012-07-27

At rhis rate episode eight will end with Frank raping Derek while a jackbooted thug holds a gun to his head

chumbucket - 2012-07-27

for teaching us how to "bro out, get your bro on"

god bless The Onion

Rudy - 2012-07-27

Watch out for AIDs.

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