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Comment count is 11
Oscar Wildcat - 2012-08-13

That single bit scream will haunt your dreams...

SteamPoweredKleenex - 2012-08-13

Especially since it was the same scream used in Impossible Mission 1 every time you fell through a hole in the floor.

At least the first game had the bad guy saying "No!" three times and a woman's voice telling you "Mission Accomplished: Congratulations."

Jeriko-1 - 2012-08-13

Wow, so you just fling yourself to your death?

boner - 2012-08-13

I have to go now, my planet needs me.

Udderdude - 2012-08-13

One hell of a way to end a game.

BaconAficionado - 2012-08-13

I remember never being able to understand the voice at the beginning of the first game. To me it always sounded like "Na, na , na, zz top. Stay awhile, stay forever!" Here's the clip... http://www.cabinsforyou.com/mountain_view_ii_cabin_rental.htm

BaconAficionado - 2012-08-13

Whoops, wrong link. If you want a nice cabin getaway in pigeon forge go there, otherwise... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GV3H_zWLDTs

Cube - 2012-08-13

It says "Another visitor". Although "Na na na, ZZ Top" wouldn't be that bad, either.

lordyam - 2012-08-13

wait what just happened

Bootymarch - 2012-08-13

Does that goddamn chipmetal noise play every time you land on something?

MrBuddy - 2012-08-14

I played this game a lot, forgotten how it sounds when you run. Didn't remember the sucky ending.

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