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Comment count is 15
Hooper_X - 2007-01-10

I like how Robocop's chest armor wobbles when Sting touches him.

Torture the Artist - 2007-01-10

"he and his buddy Robocop."

Meatsack Jones - 2007-01-10

Dupe. http://www.poetv.com/video.php?vid=2985

Cheese - 2007-01-10

Where does this fit into the Robocop timeline?

Afgh - 2007-01-10

Meatsack did you even try your own link? 5 Stars!

MasturbationDestination - 2007-01-10

4 for Robocop, 1 for Sting's pants

bopeton - 2007-01-11

Wrestling = 1 star. Unfair dupe-voting = +3

Caminante - 2007-01-11

Robocop glistening as he comes in through the light!

Chalkdust - 2007-04-19

Everyone's standing... standing on their feet!

B_Ko - 2007-04-29

I just...I...fucking Robocop.

davinciclone - 2007-05-31

I miss the "real" Sting.

Vicious - 2007-11-05


j lzrd / swift idiot - 2008-04-11

Why isn't shit like this a part of wrestling anymore? I'd pay good money to see the Deathly Frightening, Got-Pushed-In-A-Well-So-Her-Hair-Is-Always-Gross-And-Wet, Television-Crawling-Out-Of girl from The Ring team up with The Undertaker.

twinkieafternoon - 2009-08-10

Sure, now Sting's acting all tough, now that Robocop's by his side!

Killer Joe - 2011-04-07

This is wonderful.

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