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Comment count is 24
fedex - 2012-08-08

things like this I always wonder, how much of it is language/culture translation errors, and how much of it is pure unadulterated crazy?

this one, I'm thinking 30% language, 70% crazy

fedex - 2012-08-08


Xenagama Warrior Princess - 2012-08-08

Herbrew: The official language of medicine men and ethnobotany.

Oscar Wildcat - 2012-08-08

Huh. Apparently reality has a remote control and this dude has got two? He must be old coz the remotes are so big. Easy to see, and can't lose them in the couch cushions.

robotkarateman - 2012-08-08

The first I saw her face I thought she has a voice just like members of Celtic Woman BUT ............... the Holy Grail have a lid.

Meerkat - 2012-08-08

No self respecting video game character would be caught dead wearing that.

SteamPoweredKleenex - 2012-08-08

If you create a video game character that's a fantasy author insertion power-fantasy, is the character called a Mario-Sue?

jreid - 2012-08-08


fatatty - 2012-08-08

If only he had a better PC.

Ursa_minor - 2012-08-08

Oh man the original thread of this was fantastic.

Xenagama Warrior Princess - 2012-08-09

This one?


SteamPoweredKleenex - 2012-08-08

It's almost like someone made a superhero suit out of an old religious Geocities site's spinning GIFs.

memedumpster - 2012-08-08

Ha ha, this.

deadpan - 2012-08-08

E.Y.E. Divine Cybermancy DLC lookin' pretty sweet.

SteamPoweredKleenex - 2012-08-08

Jeeze, that game is on just about every Steam sale. It looks varied as hell but nobody I know (including me) is willing to even throw five bucks at it to see if it's even a decent way to lose a few hours.

exy - 2012-08-08


Adham Nu'man - 2012-08-08


Xenagama Warrior Princess - 2012-08-08

Your mary-sue's got a little serif on his shoulder. I think it's contagious.

candyheadrobot - 2012-08-09

:29 told me everything I needed to know about this video. Imagine what it would be like to be gagged and bound to a chair, eyes pried open to watch LARPers playing these types of characters all day long. My brain leaks out of my ears just thinking about it.

poorwill - 2012-08-09

The purpose when I create this character , this video are showing all game studio around the world 1 potential character which can become a main character of a new 3rd action game , can beat the profit of God of war , Devil may cry ,....
When your game profit low , you should compare potentiality of this character and all kind of character from God of War , Devil may cry , ..... , all kind of character from comic , movie and any other character from entertainment industry .
When your game profit low , you should compare the potential profit of a 3rd action game base on this character and the potential profit of the game project you are working , which one bigger , in national debt crisis , customers will only buy a thing that they really
really like , if your game subject just normal , nothing really especial than the other same type game , will they buy it ?
When your game profit low , you should compare the Universe Creation skill when my character use it for ... repairing his whacks - this skill can use to eliminate all the enemy , compare that skill with Poseidon rage , Zeus bolt , Medusa head , Titan rage ,....
In financial crisis , you should not waste a masterpiece like that can give you a hope of good profit .
Final , if some studio game intend to create a game base on this angel character , remember this Cross with Alpha (The Beginning )-Omega (The Ending ) meant GOD , look at the church paraffin you will understand it , even I -- author and owner say that he just angel wearing gift armor from GOD. Do you know the best day to release game about this character , only 1 day : Christmas Day .

All the symbols of this character can shining , and when they're shining , God allow his angel use all ability of his armor . All the design of this character base on all ideas above .

twinkieafternoon - 2012-08-09


kingofthenothing - 2012-08-09

I dig the music. I suspect this will go on to become the biography of North Korea's esteemed leader. He wants to show the world that he's got the power of star, superstar, glory, hall of fame and famers, the roman numeral number I, and 600 billion galaxies.

Riskbreaker - 2012-08-09

Well, this guy is certainly putting more effort than most current big game studios out there.

themilkshark - 2012-08-09

A Champion Belt of a Champion.

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