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Desc:Michael D Higgins lays the fuck into Tea Party talk show DJ Michael Graham about his being a wanker.
Category:News & Politics
Tags:Wanker, Ireland, Tea Party, Michael D Higgins, Michael Graham
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Comment count is 31
memedumpster - 2012-08-23


misterbuns - 2012-08-23

The original, unedited recording is more honest and fulfilling.

Xenocide - 2012-08-23

I'd love to see hear all of this in context yeah. But holy shit, Higgins is on fire here, and all Graham can do is stutter out some pitiful "uh's."

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2012-08-23

There's no point in letting this guy get a word in edgewise. He won't know what to do with it.

Anaxagoras - 2012-08-23

It sounds like a lot of that is in the editing. Not that I mind: I really don't care what the wanker has to say.

misterbuns - 2012-08-23

I've posted the full recording below. I found it more satisfying to hear the context. You also get a better idea of just how outclassed Graham was.

themilkshark - 2012-08-24

Classless people listen to him, and they can't tell he's being outclassed. It's disgusting, we are living in a mostly classless world.

TeenerTot - 2012-08-23


Is there any loophole we can find (or make) to get this guy into office?

Old_Zircon - 2012-08-23

Well he's already president, that's pretty good.

TeenerTot - 2012-08-23

OUR office, silly! MERICUH!

jangbones - 2012-08-23

on this side of the Atlantic, its rare to hear a politician get so passionate

unless they are stirring up hate against poor or minorities or Christian persecution fantasies

Mr. Purple Cat Esq. - 2012-08-23

Michael D has some pretty bad debating style here.. But hes just genuinely mad!.. I'm also surprised by how willfully ignorant Graham is, he seems so say "I dont know" with smug satisfaction, like he doesnt even bother with some made up numbers.

I'm glad there are people (Eg. Obama) who have the infinite patience to deal with the Grahams of this world in a reasonable grown up way.

Udderdude - 2012-08-23

The real way to deal with adults who act like children is to treat them like children. Unfortunately, I doubt my dream of nappy time for Republicans will ever come true.

cognitivedissonance - 2012-08-24

Apparently you don't know any Irish people, proper Irish or Irish-American. It's a common trait of my people. This is why we resort to car bombs.

Nikon - 2012-08-23

That's what I'm talking about!

mouser - 2012-08-23

Fuck yeah!

Jet Bin Fever - 2012-08-23

A-fucking-men brother.

chumbucket - 2012-08-23

This guy deserves a pint...every day, forever. To whom do I pay to make this happen?

FABIO - 2012-08-23

Holy shit Graham's wikipedia picture.

Chip - 2012-08-23

5 stars for the video, all the stars for this.

SteamPoweredKleenex - 2012-08-23

"Yes, I think that photo brings out my derp in a slightly blurred and yellowed-out way that the founding fathers would have approved of."

OxygenThief - 2012-08-23


misterbuns - 2012-08-23


This is the full recording.

StanleyPain - 2012-08-23

It's comforting to know that people in Ireland hate Tea Partiers just as much as we do.

Kabbage - 2012-08-23

It really is.

VoilaIntruder - 2012-08-23

Hells yeah.

:Terrorist fist bump:

dead_cat - 2012-08-23

Hey, Western Europe, you remember that favor we did for you back in the 40s? Wouldn't it be hysterically funny if we needed you to return it in like?


joelkazoo - 2012-08-23

Almost re-posted this. Awesome stuff.

Hooker - 2012-08-24

It took me a long time to decypher the meaning of Kabbage's title.

Gmork - 2012-08-24

For the sake of not losing the ability to be objective just because he agrees with my ideology, he did kind of bulldoze the hell out of Graham. He also would have respected Graham more if he had tried to bulldoze right back, but really, they both knew it would have been a moot point.

Spaceman Africa - 2012-09-14

He looks and sounds like a Bond villain

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