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Desc:Meanwhile I spent the other day thinking really really hard and stopped cancer.
Category:Religious, News & Politics
Tags:religion, terrorism, Right Wing Watch, prayer warriors, taking credit where credit is not due
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Comment count is 7
Deplorable - 2012-08-30

Boy, it's a good thing you saved all those people by begging God to let you in on it, despite like, his big plan or whatever.

gravelstudios - 2012-08-30

When bad things happen, it's God punishing people for their disobedience. When bad things don't happen, it's because they prayed. Everything is always part of the plan.

SteamPoweredKleenex - 2012-08-30

It reminded me of this:


cognitivedissonance - 2012-08-30

So, by that logic, taxes and black people shouldn't exist? Ah.

Jet Bin Fever - 2012-08-30

Prayer Warriors is the shittiest superhero team in history.

STABFACE - 2012-08-30

If you pretend she's a Jedi or something, this becomes totally badass.

Then you remember that she is serious and there are millions of people who believe in the same craziness.

dead_cat - 2012-08-30

Of course you will never hear of the thousands of cancers that I prevented, BECAUSE THEY EVER HAPPENED.

Yet I am still a hero and should receive your monies.

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