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Comment count is 15
urbanelf - 2012-09-05

5 stars for comparing what Romney does with his private money to what Obama does with public money.

Jet Bin Fever - 2012-09-05

That tag is so apt.

memedumpster - 2012-09-05

I love how a politician is only as strong as their anecdote about a single American.

spikestoyiu - 2012-09-05

Great tagging.

theSnake - 2012-09-05


Zaku-sensei - 2012-09-06

A biblical quote that worked within context, wow, I didn't know those happened anymore.

The Mothership - 2012-09-06

Good speech.

Bort - 2012-09-06

I worked a phone bank for six weeks to keep him as Ohio's governor, but 59% of you fuckers couldn't be troubled to vote in 2010. Now we've got Kasich as governor Ohio for at least two more years. Fuck you forever, 59% of you.

FABIO - 2012-09-06


memedumpster - 2012-09-06

Did America let you down again? Perhaps if you acted like a pissed off school marm some more...

Bort - 2012-09-07

"America" didn't let me down. The fucktards who make the most noises about how everything is wrong with America -- from the money in politics to the inequality extended to gays -- they let their country down, or at least 59% of them did. (Whether or not they let ME down is pretty much irrelevant.)

And it's a sure thing they didn't do any credit to their alleged principles either. If you profess to have the most enlightened ideas that are additionally the most practical ideas, as every "Progressive" under the sun does, there are obligations that come with being the vanguard of a better America, including BOTHERING TO VOTE. Which, incidentally, is also the absolute minimum expected of citizens in a democracy.

heyitslozeau - 2012-09-06

"If Mitt Romney was Santa Claus he'd fire the reindeer and outsource the elves"

pressed peanut sweepings - 2012-09-06

I wish this guy was still our governor.

Bort - 2012-09-06

There is nothing left to do but hope these fuckheads who didn't vote experience some buyer's remorse.

"Well it's the Democrats' fault, they should have paid more attention to guys like Kucinich who --"

Kucinich is out of a job in January, fuckwits. You let the Republicans take over Ohio, they gerrymandered Kucinich's district out of existence, and now half his constituents are at risk of being represented by Joe the Plumber.

Truthfully I can't feel too bad for Kucinich, though. I love the guy, but he voted against the House version of the ACA (you know, the one that included a Public Option), and Obama and Mrs. Kucinich had to stage an intervention to get him to vote for the Senate version. Dude was game to screw the public out of meaningful health care improvements because it wasn't everything he was hoping for. Well it's not everything I was hoping for either, but it will still do a lot of good, and any representative who puts ideology above the good of his constituents deserves to lose his seat.

dairyqueenlatifah - 2012-09-06

I often wonder who voted for Kasich since I've never met anyone who likes or supports any of his decisions.

Also, I live in Bexley right around the corner from the Governor's mansion, which Mr. Kasich decided he's too good to live in so it sits empty while my tax dollars continue to pay for it's upkeep and security, as well as the mansion that he actually does live in.

Yes, that's right, 0,000 of our tax dollars paid for a house to sit empty last year. Thank you, asswipe.

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