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Comment count is 22
Billy the Poet - 2012-09-29

Geez kettle, you're sure black.

Cena_mark - 2012-09-29

"Our religion is older thus its less crazy"

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2012-09-29

Back in the 90s, Video King, a now-defunct chain of rental stores, would let you take a VHS copy of this home for free, as a "family friendly" public service.

They also had a great adult video room, including one entire wall of ANAL!

SteamPoweredKleenex - 2012-09-29

"One Entire Wall of Anal" would make a great name for a rock band.

Old_Zircon - 2012-09-29

Kind of off topic but back in the 90s when I worked at a video store we kept the porn on a high shelf above the drama section, maybe 7 feet up so kids couldn't see or reach it (everything but the titles was taped over on the boxes, too). This worked fine for years but one day a few months after I left for college someone literally called the police because they had porn in the store. The officer who came rented porn there us at least twice a week though, and thought it was hilarious but suggested that making a porn room was the easiest way to handle the issue.

The end result was that the store had at least four times as much porn available and it was a lot more obvious since it was in a big curtained off section that occupied an entire end of the store.

Dr Robot - 2012-09-29

SteamPoweredKleenex would make a great name for a Dave Barry column.

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2012-09-29

It was hilarious. A couple of shelves of vintage, a couple of shelves of amateur...ONE GREAT BIG WALL OF ANAL! I guess they were giving the people what they want.

I remember back in the 80s, in Portland ME, there was a nice little video store in the old port section that had just a few adult titles, and the store was co-owned by 4 or 5 policemen, including one officer I knew from job, a decent guy who was later injured seriously on the job. He was thrown from his horse, took on some head trauma. Some piece of shit city councilman or something made a grandstanding speech about the police peddling porn, like it was some sort of crime ring or something, I'm proud to say that I wrote a letter to the editor in support of the cops.

EvilHomer - 2012-09-29

The animation was awesome, but it could have used more Starbuck and Caprica 6.

So say we all.

SteamPoweredKleenex - 2012-09-29

Yeah, it wasn't until I worked in an office with a Mormon that I found out why a lot of them dig sci-fi.

I was unaware that Mormon heaven is you (if you're male) getting to be the god of your own universe with your family as your pantheon of angels/co-gods/whatever.

There's a bit of a paradox if you're a god and your son is a god of his universe, yet is part of your sub-pantheon, while your dad is a god above you, and so on. It's about as loopy as most religious belief, but at least they dream big.

Cena_mark - 2012-09-29

What if we're not living in God's universe, but in the universe of a newly made Mormon god.

SteamPoweredKleenex - 2012-09-29

If we are, god's pretty ambivalent about the Mormon religion. You'd think he'd at least have made their fairy tales match up with the archaeological record or something.

EvilHomer - 2012-09-29

Honestly, I think this whole expose idea is counterproductive. Mormonism just keeps looking better and better!

The standard evangelical vision of Heavan? Sit around all day basking in God's glory; basically, stuck in church for the rest of eternity. Mormons, be the god of your own universe and have near constant sex with millions of partners. Gosh, which one to pick...?

EvilHomer - 2012-09-29

Of course, that also means that one day, Mormon furries will be allowed to create their own universes, and you can imagine how that would turn out. Maybe it's best not to encourage these people.

erratic - 2012-09-29

not really sure how to rate this. I was raised mormon and am now anything but mormon. The Godmakers is like a cheap political attack ad. Technically correct, but the context skewed and interpretation tinted. Mormonism is wacky enough as it is without having to twist it into something even wackier.

Ocyrus - 2012-09-29

Because you view it from your own perspective, and the filmmakers viewed it through the prism of their own orthodoxy.
You cannot see this film like the makers of the film see it.

cognitivedissonance - 2012-09-29

I was raised Baptist and we had to watch this in Sunday School. That said, all the Mormon kids were rich, and therefore I had to hate them not out of religious opinion but because my family was literally that poor.

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2012-09-29

What is the truth behind this idea that Mormans believe that they can become the god of their own planet? Is there anything to that?

erratic - 2012-09-29

JHM, that part is mostly true. I'm not sure if it's actually a planet, or a galaxy or an alternate universe or something. It's been 12 years since I was a mormon. The belief stems from the idea that "as we are, god once was and as god is we can become." they believe in an infinite recursion of gods who were once people who had a god of their own. It sounds so wacky that the church is now stepping away from that doctrine. a lot of younger mormons probably haven't even heard of it.

memedumpster - 2012-09-29

An outer space religion actually has a better chance of being interesting to me these days, it might benefit them to start promoting it to kids. I was surprised to find Tibetan Buddhism had stories about Buddhas born on other worlds millions of years ago.

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2012-09-30

Yeah, that's not gonna fly with evangelicals.

erratic - 2012-09-30

you know what? fuck it. I saw bits of this years ago but after watching the whole thing now... 5 stars. Its way more accurate than inaccurate. It hits at deep, hard stuff that the lamestream media won't dare talk about. Yeah, some of it is sensationalized and the stuff about Mormo in LaVey's book is baloney. Sometimes it's more about mormon cultural practices than about official beliefs as well. But that's all part of the package I guess.

memedumpster - 2012-09-29

***** - Just noticed "shlockumentary" tag.

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