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Comment count is 22
Chocolate Jesus - 2012-09-23

Before anyone asks, she can be identified as a mormon by the CTR ring on the right hand.

Chocolate Jesus - 2012-09-24


Local news story on the video for those looking for more details.

The Mothership - 2012-09-24

She was not verbally annihilated.

Nor is she Jewish.

Nor is this particularly noteworthy.

Chocolate Jesus - 2012-09-24

It's intended as a non sequitur, if there were a 'verbally annihilating mormon girls' tag I might have used that instead.

If you want to explain to me why an Obama campaign ad featuring a school teacher giving an appraisal of Romneys education policy based on... not much, is somehow more provocative than a video of a Romney campaign volunteer purposefully screening potential voters before offering to register them, which is tantamount to voter registration fraud, go ahead..

But you're right, its no Mr. T video.

Change - 2012-09-24


erratic - 2012-09-24

An amazing irony is that mormons believe themselves to be god's official adopters of the "house of israel" after the jewish people lost god's favor after allowing jesus to be crucified. So technically, from a certain angle, that tag is surprisingly accurate.

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2012-09-24

>>If you want to explain to me why an Obama campaign ad featuring a school teacher giving an appraisal of Romneys education policy based on... not much, is somehow more provocative than a video of a Romney campaign volunteer purposefully screening potential voters before offering to register them, which is tantamount to voter registration fraud, go ahead..


The Obama campaign ad is actually about the candidate and this video is about a nineteen year old. I'd alrgue that the campaign video isn't about Romney's education policy, it's about Romney being a dick who approaches policy questions from the point of view of ideology without being interested in the lives of the people on the front lines. I think it's prety effective. It's anecdotal, but so is this.

According to the county clerk, who may be a republican, this isn't illegal unless she actually refuses to register a Democratic voter. So this is hardly a smoking gun. The good news is that putting some attention on this process may keep everybody careful to keep it extra legit.

Maru - 2012-09-24

>The Obama campaign ad is actually about the candidate and this video is about a nineteen year old. <

It's not about the girl at all. The girl is actually a dangerous distraction; if this was 40 year old man, you wouldn't have started running damage control for the republicans here.

>It's anecdotal, but so is this.<

You can say that this isn't representative of how on-the-street voter registration usually works in El Paso County Colorado, but it's not fucking anecdotal evidence, man. It's just evidence.

>According to the county clerk, who may be a republican, this isn't illegal unless she actually refuses to register a Democratic voter. So this is hardly a smoking gun.<

But it's still thing though, right?

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2012-09-25

>>t's not about the girl at all. The girl is actually a dangerous distraction; if this was 40 year old man, you wouldn't have started running damage control for the republicans here.

Bullshit. If this was a 40 year old man, it wouldn't be getting half as much attention.

Once again, some anonymous dick that I've never heard of on the internet thinks he knows me better than I know myself. That hasn't happened in a while, at t lleast a coule of hours. I'm just not reacting to this the way a Republican would react if this girl was a Democrat.

I'd love for this to be a big scandal that damages the Republicans,. but it's not. Acting like it is will just make Democrats look like assholes. This isn't watergate. If it's not illegal, it's not much of anything. I am shocked ... SHOCKED to see campaign workers behaving in a brazenly partisan manner!I

Here's what the county clerk, and others, have said. If she had refused to accept Democratic voters instead of actively seeking Republican voters, that would have been illegal. This may be what's happening here, but it's not what was captured on video. I

If the girl was workign for the county, as she seemed to claim, that would have been a scandal, and I hope someone somewhere will be checking up, but it appears that she wasn't. Was she impersonating a county official? Maybe, but I don't see much poijnt in that. Without a rational motive, the explanation that she just melted down when she realized she was being photographed (and blurted out something relating to where the forms were supposed to go) seems difficult to dispute.

Unless I'm wrong. If it's illegal, it may be a story, but just now when I do a search for this on Google News I get ten articles, far less than came up for Mitt Romney's bronzer. a couple of days ago.

Now that I think of it, one thing I do intend to do is contact the local media and try to make sure that someone confirms tht the girl wasn't workig for the county,

HarrietTubmanPI - 2012-09-24

Sheltered girl has no idea what she's doing is not exactly ethical.

Nikon - 2012-09-24

Dumb moron is a tautology. It's like saying evil clown.

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2012-09-24

Well, the county clerk says she's not working for them. So she's lying. Do Mormans consider lying to be unethical?

Old_Zircon - 2012-09-24

Dumb moron is a tautology. It's like saying wicked clown.

cognitivedissonance - 2012-09-24

I have wondered why they don't just start buying votes. It seems like they could, I'm not a lawyer but I'm pretty sure it's legal. Whip out a check book, set up a line, to be eligible you'd just hand them your vote to fill out.

SteamPoweredKleenex - 2012-09-24

Oddly enough, buying votes from congresscritters isn't illegal, or at least, not impossible to do via legal means.

But you'd think someone from the Koch Bros. would have set up a vote-buy laundering scheme by now. Maybe the idea of giving money to those who should happily vote them more money and power is galling.

chumbucket - 2012-09-24


erratic - 2012-09-24

I heard honeybitch. after several listenings I still can't tell which it is.

Grandmaster Funk - 2012-09-24

Sounds like affective vowel fronting to something like [ɨ], which is intermediate between the [ʌ] in "bunch" and the [ɪ] in "bitch." This kind of fronting is fairly common in the Western U.S. at least with the [ʊ] vowel (in "good").

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2012-09-25

Honeybunch is an actual expression that older people use, and it's certainly what I heard.

dead_cat - 2012-09-24

You have to be pretty stupid not to see this is illegal.

You have to be Mormon.

memedumpster - 2012-09-24

Yeah, a dumb girl of a retarded religion is way more damning than the candidate fucking up on their own.


For realz...

One star.

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2012-09-25

Let's comaper views

Cheryl Describes Meeting Mitt Romney - OFA Colorado 186,589 views

Safeway voter registration 1 156,517 views, 30,000 less, even though it was uploaded a day earlier.

If Cheryl's encounter with Romney isn't resonating with people, why are more people watching it, even though, I have to admit, compared with the Morman girl, Cheryl isn't all that hot.

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