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Comment count is 10
Old_Zircon - 2012-10-03

Who hasn't done this at least once?

Billy the Poet - 2012-10-03

Dumb shit that people have been doing for decades only becomes noteworthy when New Yorkers pick up on it.

Old_Zircon - 2012-10-03


memedumpster - 2012-10-03

You mean when white people pick up on it in New York... by choice.

dairyqueenlatifah - 2012-10-03

I've been homeless and never done this.

chumbucket - 2012-10-03

I'm sure the trash haulers just love finding the bags strewn about with the leavings just tossed all over the sidewalk.

Old_Zircon - 2012-10-03

I know in Boston some of the better bakeries and pizza places have a separate spot where they leave their edible trash for the pickers, so that they don't mess it up and also because a lot of the employees have been on the other side of it at some point.

Also probably because they know if they try to fight it they will lose. I worked at a thrift store in Jamaica Plain for a while and we got a chain for the dumpster to keep out the trash pickers. By the end of the week they'd set the dumpster on fire as retribution.

TheOtherCapnS - 2012-10-03

Sorry MOM. Tell TERRANCE I might not meet his EXPECTATIONS, but I CARE about this Mother Earth. Guess I won't be seeing you at your corporate built beach house this summer!

please send money

magnesium - 2012-10-03

I guess they never find shampoo in any of the dumpsters.

craptacular - 2012-10-03

I work in a grocery store. Sometimes our coolers break down overnight, and by morning there's 50 HungryMan dinners, another 80 assorted TV dinner brands, other assorted frozen meals, hot pockets, oven fries, you name it, slowly thawing. All of it gets thrown in the garbage. Most of it's safe to eat if heated within another 6 hours but after that it's a hazard.
Not to mention the bathtub or two worth of produce thrown out daily, most of it still edible, just not visually appealing enough that customers would purchase it.
I'm okay with dumpster divers.

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