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Comment count is 17
Xenocide - 2012-10-04

To be fair, there is not a single character in the history of SVU who has not been banged in the ass. This includes major characters, extras, people you only see in the background for one second, animals, trees, and cars.

Oscar Wildcat - 2012-10-04

That wasn't a nazi salute, that was a heil five.

CJH - 2012-10-04

oh man how'd they get the smart gremlin from gremlins 2 to be on their show?

Change - 2012-10-04

Haha, you're old.

Void 71 - 2012-10-05

I was thinking more along the lines of Smeagol in a wig.

takewithfood - 2012-10-04

Flawless recovery.

Cena_mark - 2012-10-04

Uh... Not Fox News. Its so goddamn hard to tell the difference between a national cable broadcast and the local news on a Fox affiliate station...NOT!
I may not lean towards the right anymore, but lets keep things honest. Fox News makes themselves look bad enough without you guys attributing local news idiocy to them.

cognitivedissonance - 2012-10-04


Has our dear Table_Mark gone post-ironic on us?

Cena_mark - 2012-10-04


simon666 - 2012-10-04

He means "not."

Prickly Pete - 2012-10-05

Oh my bad, you're totally right. Full disclosure: I didn't watch the video before I submitted it, I just read a synopsis. I'll change the title and tags accordingly.

chumbucket - 2012-10-04

Everybody drinks before going on the air lately.

THA SUGAH RAIN - 2012-10-04

That response is a pretty solid go-to line.

Boss: Hey [sugah], you don't mind greg joining your team for this project, right?
[Sugah]: If that project involves greg getting molested and banged in the ass, then maybe.

PANDAR - 2012-10-04

Totally on the coke.

dairyqueenlatifah - 2012-10-04

I like how one of the top comments is:

"If you had any sense you would vote for Ron Paul or a libertarian. Democrats are the modern NAZI's"

dead_cat - 2012-10-04

I'm all for more of Richard Belzer talking unscripted. I suspect SVU would be a lot more watchable if he was just allowed to say whatever he felt like.

That guy - 2012-10-05

Look up the books that the Belz has written. He's either totally nuts or the only person who knows what's up with what.

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