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Comment count is 13
Slumgullion - 2012-10-04

so good

Craptabulous - 2012-10-05

Watched this for the first time at the first time this was posted on here dubbed, found this subbed copy and gave it a watch, and OH MY GOD, how is it so underrated?! Seriously, a good action flick, and reaffirmed me as an action fan.

Hooker - 2012-10-05

I don't know if it's underrated. Those that have seen it tend to always speak highly of it. I just think it, like a lot of pre-Crouching Tiger Hong Kong films, aren't very well known in America.

StanleyPain - 2012-10-05

I think this is probably John Woo's best HK film, overall just slightly edging out The Killer (not that The Killer is remotely bad). I actually still have the Fox/Lorber DVD of this which, when it was issued, was the only version for years after the Criterion version was discontinued and at one point they were selling for hundreds of dollars on the internet. They've since been reissued, obviously; Fox's "Dragon Dynasty" series is one of the best things to happen to HK cinema fans in years.

StanleyPain - 2012-10-05

I also love how in all of these gunplay movies of John Woo's apparently every table and cabinet has stacks of index cards on them of in them.

Zaku-sensei - 2012-10-05

Always loved this movie, rented it many times. Finally bought a copy as a DVD out of a bargain bin. I bought a pile of DVDs from Dragon Dynasty because they had this and I figured the rest of the titles I did not recognize must have been of the same quality, and I was not disappointed. Most of them were really good Hong Kong and Japanese classics like The One Armed Swordsman and King Boxer, that I hadn't been exposed to before but were really great. Only bad one was this messy 2005 action flick called Dragon Heat or Dragon Squad staring a bunch of really young unknowns from Hong Kong with Michael Biehn and Sammo Hung to round out the cast. it was clear that it thought it was much cooler than it really was and I turned it off when they started putting up name cards with mini histories and combat statistics for every character.

The Mothership - 2012-10-05

Goddamn that Hong Kong cop is hard boiled!

StanleyPain - 2012-10-05

I had the titular line in this film.

longwinded - 2012-10-05

Two things:

1) Can no one on the ground cover a motherfucking window?

2) What was the point of the gas in the arms cache?

Rudy - 2012-10-05

Contains one of the greatest urinating baby scenes in film history.

kingarthur - 2012-10-05

A true classic.

memedumpster - 2012-10-05

Oh wow, this movie!

Mister Yuck - 2017-11-26

Finally got off my ass and rented this, been meaning to since I played the video game sequel years ago. What a classic, better than I expected. It kept a surprisingly light hearted tone which really made the whole thing enjoyable between the action scenes. A lot of fun.

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