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Comment count is 15
Nikon - 2012-10-13

It seems a lot of people need to relax and calm down.

CIWB - 2012-10-13

Aren't video games supposed to be fun and relaxing?

Also surprised that "autistic manchild" isn't a linked tag.

dairyqueenlatifah - 2012-10-13

Video games are serious business. Fun is just a buzzword.

Caminante Nocturno - 2012-10-13

There's a lot at stake in these games and you all need to understand this before your carelessness gets someone killed in a video game.

American Standard - 2012-10-13

Over Rayman, of all things.

Void 71 - 2012-10-13

Retro gamers are the worst manchildren of them all.

TimidAres - 2012-10-13

Rayman is the LAST game I would think of that would spur domestic violence.

Caminante Nocturno - 2012-10-13

What games do you think would be a good candidate for causing domestic violence?

I'll bet that DoA Beach Volleyball or a similar game has caused at least one wife to sucker punch their husband.

WHO WANTS DESSERT - 2012-10-13

I bet you gave at least one person on this site an aneurism by referring to a playstation game as retro

EvilHomer - 2012-10-13

My girlfriend sucker punched me once over a perfectly innocent remark re: Ivy from Soul Calibur.

memedumpster - 2012-10-14


Redford - 2012-10-14

I don't think any of you have actually played Rayman, then.

American Standard - 2012-10-14

I've seen a keyboard basically destroyed over one of those hyper-realistic battlefield games. Dunno which one.

And I'll admit, no, I haven't played Rayman. Is it any more frustrating than your average sidescrolling platformer?

Rudy - 2012-10-16

I have to side with Redford on this one. I used to get mad just watching my son play that goddamn game.

The Townleybomb - 2012-10-13

He really does need to stop the fuckin' stream. He needs to stop it for fuckin' ever.

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