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Desc:A young girl blossoms into womanhood, but must keep her organs in alignment and avoid swimming.
Category:Educational, Humor
Tags:menstruation, puberty, 1950s, stalking nurses, outdated
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Comment count is 12
split tail - 2012-10-29

diagram of the womb at 9:07 looks suspiciously like a ram.

cognitivedissonance - 2012-10-29

Sigil of Baphomet.

bopeton - 2013-07-08

I always thought that was why they used a goat to represent Baphomet...

HarrietTubmanPI - 2012-10-29


snothouse - 2012-10-29

That tampon is like a body pillow!

Blue - 2012-10-29

That why they had to have a belt to hold it up.

Whatever happened to those? They only exist in museums now.

Blue - 2012-10-29

Your mother left her gloves over at my house last night.

Tell her I'm flattered but not interested. She'll know what that means.

Architeuthis Tux - 2012-10-29

"No honey. I guess you aren't."

Molly's father was found in three different barrels of quicklime. After his turn in "Molly Grows Up" no jury in the land would convict the child actor.

Quad9Damage - 2012-10-30

Daddy has some really notable creep vibes.

American Standard - 2012-10-30

Half the human species bleeds for days on end, every month, for decades. And yet, "intelligent design" is still a thing.

Hay Belly - 2012-10-30

Don't forget zits. Proof of the glory of God.

Quad9Damage - 2012-10-30

RiffTrax has a version of this with commentary embedded. It's well worth the small price.

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