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Comment count is 9
FABIO - 2012-11-06

This is the only clip the 40,000 pipe smoking video guy watches.

Mr. Purple Cat Esq. - 2012-11-06

That thing is rockin' some pretty good grooves at various stages

Mr. Purple Cat Esq. - 2012-11-06


fedex - 2012-11-06

steam sequencer

fedex - 2012-11-06

around 2:50 it does a fair didgeridoo imitation

Jet Bin Fever - 2012-11-07

The person who samples this shit will be lauded as a genius.

SolRo - 2012-11-06

they didn't have any 8 year olds available to stick their small arms between moving parts to adjust it.

Thanks government regulatioN!!

catpenis27 - 2012-11-06

I've watched this same video a number of times, but for some reason it being on POE makes it so much better. I love old engines. There's another one probably in the related videos that has some interesting noises too, something like "600 Snow engine". 600 horsepower, but 39,000 ft lbs of torque, which I guess was just sort of how those old ass engines were, no horsepower and miles of torque.

Potter - 2012-11-06

Dude, they HAD horses, why would they want more?

This is pretty amazing. I'd love to know more about it's fuel consumption.

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