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Comment count is 6
OxygenThief - 2012-11-08

This is some boring batshit.

they'reforyou - 2012-11-08

I would Info her Wars all night.

To be fair, I would also Anderson Anderson's Cooper all night, too.

That's the only way to stop this secret eugenics program, though. Lots of fucking hot sex.

StanleyPain - 2012-11-08

She probably wouldn't shut up about FEMA camps and how the NWO is scanning your brain with your iPhone long enough for you to get into her pants.

StanleyPain - 2012-11-08

BULLSHIT. Aspartame has been linked to DICK. Nothing pisses me off more than people who make shit up out of thin fucking air to defend their garbage opinions.
Aspartame is very bad for people with phenylketonuria, but apart from that there are absolutely no reputable scientific studies on it that have linked it to ANYTHING. Thus far, the only compelling argument against Aspartame is that it appears to trigger severe headaches (as it does in my case) but this seems to be mostly anecdotal and no serious studies have uncovered the link yet. Most people I've met who yammer about how deadly aspartame is because it breaks down into formaldehyde (OMG THE STUFF THEY PUT INTO DEAD PEOPLE) fail to actually read up on the chemical and find out that **gasp** your body naturally produces it in more quantity!

If you are uncomfortable putting aspartame in your body, fine. Or GMO food or whatever, fine. I totally respect that. But do not fucking cite made-up bullshit to try and make it sound like you've made some decision based on science.

magnesium - 2012-11-08

Thank you. The number of people who have insisted that my Diet Coke is going to give me cancer/Alzheimer's/irritable bowel syndrome/the plague, based on email forwards from the 90's, is staggering. This and the fluoride in drinking water thing are my most hated of pseudo science paranoia.

memedumpster - 2012-11-09

It would be a ridiculous conspiracy anyway. If it was killing people, then great news, there's no such thing as a safe diet soda, so no more extra processing plants and everyone can just drink soda. Sugar and corn semen are safer than Death Chemical #666, right?

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