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Comment count is 13
gravelstudios - 2012-11-16

Homo Floresiensis?

Stopheles - 2012-11-16


duck&cover - 2012-11-16

This is before they got to the Brandywine.

Riskbreaker - 2012-11-16

So, the entire demographic of these guys are clueless people who confuse movies and people who can't read the back of the DVD?

garcet71283 - 2012-11-17

Yes, they are rather open about it on their forums.

cognitivedissonance - 2012-11-17

Look, Mom only has so much time before she gets annoyed you're spending so much time at the Redbox, and she's got those damn groceries to get into the trunk.

Aelric - 2012-11-17

I'm pretty sure Asylum trailers have a 100% bad CGI dragon ratio, even for their non-fantasy offerings.

I'd like to see their take on My Dinner with Andre.

Lef - 2012-11-17

Bai Ling,you sure know how to pick them.

freedoom - 2012-11-17

You know Sir Ben Kingsley takes just about any movie he is offered. he said something along the lines of picking and choosing doesn't pay the bills.

freedoom - 2012-11-17

also Bai Ling is terrible and belongs nowhere near a camera.

Jet Bin Fever - 2012-11-17

She's one of the ugliest Asian people on camera.

Rudy - 2012-11-19

Meh. I would have went with a historical re-imagining of the life of Thomas Hobbes where he's fighting giant killer robots.

Killer Joe - 2014-01-25

They changed the title to the meaningless "Clash of the Empires".
In everything.
But the trailer.
They just don't give a fuck.

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