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Comment count is 15
Caminante Nocturno - 2012-11-25

He only hits, like, four of them. One of them gets hit by someone else. Ass-slapping isn't the same as hitting, and we all know it.

This video is a disaster.

Dinkin Flicka - 2012-11-25

Dude, he uses a woman as a human shield against what appears to be a potentially lethal object. It's like the worst of them all; five stars

Maru - 2012-11-28

yeah, strangling isn't hitting.

oddeye - 2013-12-22

The girl was a distraction in order to try and kill Bond, so it's ok to use her as the target for the attack

BillLumbergh - 2012-11-25


Oh man, the sheer cartoonishness of his assholery.

garcet71283 - 2012-11-25

The "man-talk" line is why Connery is the best Bond.

Ursa_minor - 2012-11-25

Because of that girls gazongas, right?

dairyqueenlatifah - 2012-11-25

It's even better when watch his wonderful real life interview with Barbara Walters on slapping women:


That guy - 2012-11-25

Yeah that interview is amazing. I hope it's the same one where he talks about wearing his socks inside out like that's a fascinating, awesome, complex thing to do.

DriverStabby - 2012-11-25

They got off easy.

That guy - 2012-11-25

The Youtube submitter is "1337Chimpanzee".

boner - 2012-11-26

A friend gave me the Casino Royale novel, and it turns out that Bond is more or less a rapist.

Old_Zircon - 2012-11-26

Those old John Holmes movies really aren't as far off from real Bond movies as people probably assume, are they?

Jet Bin Fever - 2012-11-26

I still have to 5 this. I can't resist Sean Connery, he'll hit me.

Rudy - 2012-11-27

He clearly doesn't want to hit them. He only does it because he loves them all so much.

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