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Comment count is 15
Doomstein - 2012-11-26

They must have kicked this guy's ass pretty damn hard in high school.

Yeah ok, he's tubby, has a ponytail, and probably dresses up in some ridiculous dracula cape when he's out LARP-ing it up and getting his 14 year old girlfriend drunk in his "lair", but maybe he has some redeeming qualities that I'm not yet aware of.

5 Stars for reminding me why I stay away from 'The Castle' night club in Ybor City FL.

Xenocide - 2012-11-26

Holy shit, The Castle. A friend convinced me to go there once. We were there for fifteen minutes. She spent the rest of the night apologizing.

Doomstein - 2012-11-26

The place would be great if it weren't for the other patrons.

For those who've never been, it's pretty much a building full of this guy in the video and a smoke machine.

Old_Zircon - 2012-11-26

That sounds like the best possible nightclub experience to me.

cognitivedissonance - 2012-11-26

Alright, so here's the drama.

This guy apparently got kicked out of the White Wolf fan club for unspecified offense, and decides to write his own version, and the only thing he does is rename all the major things, invent his own jargon for the vampires to use, and rewrites the rules for LARPING so that no player can ever have his/her character removed from play by the game organizer. He then proceeds to write enormous "modules" for his Mary Sue character, which takes up most of his book, and insists that everybody who plays with him take his Mary Sue as the de facto omnipotent overlord of the game.

He then asks for money for this on Kickstarter, and sees dollar signs in his eyes, and starts organizing "conventions" around his TOTALLY ORIGINAL CHARACTERS, and he gets holy shit lucky in that White Wolf is now officially defunct and the company that absorbed the rights to the game no longer cares about unofficial supplements. And he apparently gets away with it.

EvilHomer - 2012-11-26

JPMorgan was right! The American Dream is still alive and well! Thanks to the True Spirit of Thanksgiving, even rejected White Wolf LARPers can make it!

Loses a star because, five minutes, guy still hasn't explained his Totally Original Game, beyond mentioning the no-banning rule and thanking some random models. Do you have any links?

memedumpster - 2012-11-26

I know people who LARP, it's actually amazing what an exploitative business model it runs on. The "creators" basically sit back and hoover cash from franchises to use their "original system do not steal" which contains no rules, stories, or character designs that are original, none. It's pure fantasy cookie cutter plagiarizing.

I guess my point is, this guy is doing it correctly, which is the same as horribly.

dr_ether - 2012-12-02

White Wolf may not be a company any more, but a brand, but CCP do care. White Wolf did not become bankrupt, simply merged. Now since that date They have produced plenty of books, and now, Onyx Path Publishing, holds the rights to produce more books for both classic and new World of Darkness games, Exalted, and OPP also own outright some old White Wolf IPs. That is also because OPP is owned and run by the old head of White Wolf.

So to say WW is defunct, and that CCP no longer cares is really not true. 20th anniversary editions of Vampire and Werewolf have been kickstarted and now the same is planned for Mage.

What I have seen of DPP demo games, the are very similar products, either in danger of infringing copyrights, ip or trade dress.

EvilHomer - 2012-12-02

Hi, dr_ether! Do you know these guys personally? Better still, do you have your own Vampire LARP startup?

I could be wrong, but I'm guessing you're this "Kris Ether" guy on google? If so, it sounds like you have a lot of insider knowledge and cool stuff to say about VtM, and White Wolf LARPING in general (a subject which is often sadly overlooked here on poe). You should submit some videos/podcasts!

P.S. I'm a Tremere, what are you?

dr_ether - 2012-12-02

I personally don't larp. I just play plenty of table top rpgs.

I do co-host a podcast which is devoted to World of Darkness games, plus some other similar games.


All White Wolf/OPP/CCP news can be found here,



As for the DPP products, what demos I have been able to download and read (these being some of the worst written products I have seen being brought to market) are not good. Currently from the DPP facebook, they are redoing the demos due to poor reviews, apparently.

They have also met serious critique from rpg writers on a number of forums with DPP threatening to sue (which is dumb as these are public forums and threatening to sue based upon customer review/professional review amounts to censorship).

As for knowing DPP personally, no I don't. But I find what they are doing distasteful as they do not yet acknowledge the original source of their ideas. I write my own game supplements for WoD games, but for free. If I wanted to make money I know how much I would have to change and modify to make a distinct product. What DPP has done so far is not that. But I will be buying a copy of their products to review fully, regardless (note I am also a fan of Privateer Press games, Unhallowed Metropolis etc etc, so I am not above calling a OPP product crap if it is, but it has been a long time since their has been a dud book from White Wolf, so I doubt OPP will ever repeat that mistake).

takewithfood - 2012-11-26

White Wolf *LOVES* to sue people.

cognitivedissonance - 2012-11-26

White Wolf *USED TO LOVE* suing people.

Pillager - 2012-11-26

http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1865780613/vampire-undeath?ref =live


EvilHomer - 2012-11-26

Oh boy! He even uses the old VtM font.

We've had many people tell us, "Oh yeah that looks cool but isn't there something similar already out that's just like that?" Nope.

Hey, thanks for clearing that up.

Jet Bin Fever - 2012-11-26

A shittier version of an already shitty system? Sign me up!

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