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Desc:An entire organization dedicated to promoting petrochemicals as God's fuel
Tags:Evil, oil, cornwallalliance, mammon, biblical environmentalism
Submitted:The Mothership
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Comment count is 9
IrishWhiskey - 2012-12-04

"We can't allow public piety to replace clear hard thinking."

'Public piety' here meaning scientific research on global warming, and hard thinking meaning interpreting a story about a young flat earth on pillars covered by a dome with holes into whatever's most useful for corporate backers.

'Sure we all want to care for and protect the environment (except a bunch of other Christian fundamentalists we're pretending don't exist), but doing so could cost businesses money. Which would mean their wage-slaves wouldn't get paid. Which would increase poverty. Remember, when Wal-Mart and Exxon's profit-margins go down, African babies die and Jesus cries.'

IrishWhiskey - 2012-12-04

"Our desire is to raise human beings to the point where they become wealthy."

I have a book you should read.

Jet Bin Fever - 2012-12-04

This is an absolutely pure fucking cyclone of evil. Much like the cyclones we will have regularly in the ruined world of the future.

memedumpster - 2012-12-04

Christians admit to truth the same way rapists admit to rape. As slowly as possible, admitting as little as possible over the maximum amount of time.

Toenails - 2012-12-05

*Man* is our most valuable resource? Okay, so how does that stack against the Gold Standard? Because I need to invest my money somewhere you assholes are making it harder than it needs to be!

Also, who's keep track of the weather from a million years ago? Faggots, I tell you! God damn faggots. If a God-fearing heterosexual weather forecaster can't tell you what the weather is tomorrow, then Jesus exists and we as a Christian people own the earth outright.

SteamPoweredKleenex - 2012-12-05

I think that means they want to harvest the organs of the poor. In Jesus' name, of course, because he put them there for the rich to use, both as replacements and as fine delicacies served with vintage wines.

1394 - 2012-12-05

I would have thought the Cornwall Alliance would have been dedicated to fueling the world on mince beef and rutabagas.

TeenerTot - 2012-12-05

Rage-inducing evil.

Uulanbaatorbaby - 2012-12-05

"And the Lord Said: DRILL BABY: DRILL!"

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