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Comment count is 7
chumbucket - 2012-12-04

10lbs of ground beef

Mother_Puncher - 2012-12-04

I will 5 star anything with Aubrey Plaza. And also these are the 2 best characters on the show with an awesome relationship

jreid - 2012-12-04

I have a strange love/hate fascination with Plaza that I've given up trying to understand and learned to enjoy in it's own right - which reflex will she trigger this time around: punch or hug?!

dementomstie - 2012-12-05

Agreed. Aubrey Plaza is one of the best things about this show. I'm also really happy with the Andy/April story they've been having showing how those two are basically perfect for each other. That she has a head on her shoulders that can make him focus on what he needs to, and that she clearly loves that idiot.

"You Were In The FBI"

OxygenThief - 2012-12-05

I love the episode where she breaks away from her regular friends in the sneering class because she just can't take it any more. They could have easily just kept her as a generic hipster but instead her character has really grown over the years.

HarrietTubmanPI - 2012-12-05

I'm not sure how Nick Offerman is in real life, but Aubrey Plaza is almost exactly like her character in real life.

twinkieafternoon - 2012-12-05

That is a GREAT deal.

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