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Comment count is 10
Jet Bin Fever - 2012-12-11

I would flip my shit if GWAR came to my house. They seem like such fun people.

EvilHomer - 2012-12-11

They really are. I've hung out with them a couple times; well, I say "I", but what I really mean is, I went to a couple shows with a smoking hot female friend. The band was all about hanging out with *her* after the concert, and I just sorta tagged along.

misterbuns - 2012-12-11

I smoked weed with Dave Brockie and told him that he made me gay.

EvilHomer - 2012-12-11

My neighbors are gynecologists. I will henceforth refer to them vaginacologists.

FUN FACT: Oderous was telling the truth at the end there. Balsac would not have had a good time; he is the shyest and least social of all the members of GWAR. Trick or Treating would probably be very uncomfortable for him.

I would still give him candy if he came to my house, though.

Caminante Nocturno - 2012-12-11

They're not costumes.

The Mothership - 2014-06-04

Thank you for your compliance.

Binro the Heretic - 2012-12-11

Everything that follows in those kids' lives will seem lame by comparison.

Of course, they will always be able to win any argument by saying "Gwar came to my house for Trick-or-Treat, motherfucker!"

Pillager - 2012-12-11

Prettiest little princess in the universe.

The Mothership - 2014-06-04


Shoebox Joe - 2012-12-11

Only GWAR can make "taking the pot and run" cute.

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