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Comment count is 27
duck&cover - 2012-12-12

Stingrays are the roombas of the sea.

I like the little crab going piggyback on the big one.

Syd Midnight - 2013-09-28

Link died, so I found a replacement. It's much shorter but the soundtrack is Skrillex so it's much better.

casualcollapse - 2021-07-03

thanks for keeping the dream alive Syd, and yes the soundtrack rules

Louddetective - 2012-12-13

Wow, that stingray really fucked those crabs up

Rodents of Unusual Size - 2012-12-13

1:40 "hey, you guys, check it out! This guy's delicious! Oh my god, we're delicious!"

eatenmyeyes - 2012-12-13

I just can't stay mad at that ray.

The Mothership - 2012-12-13

3:54 ray flaps his wings, crabs go flying.

also, lovecrafting is my new favorite verb.

Corpus Delectable - 2012-12-13


fluffy - 2012-12-13

Where is everybody?

Where did everybody go?

cognitivedissonance - 2012-12-13


Caminante Nocturno - 2012-12-13


misterbuns - 2012-12-13

For turning lovecraft into a verb. For that alone.

gambol - 2015-09-24


memedumpster - 2012-12-13

That's what arthropods get for preying on vertebrate life back in those uncertain times of our prehistory. Now maybe in a billion years their sentient descendents will have nightmares of being devoured alive and other animal horrors.

Caminante Nocturno - 2012-12-13

Oh, they'll just get get off on it like we do!

bac - 2012-12-13

tags need fixing. also add cannabilism (check that spelling first.)

misterbuns - 2012-12-13

Pretty sure that was just a crab molting its exoskellies.

spiteful crow - 2012-12-13

I love the octopus who looks like he just now realized he's wandered into the bad part of town.

Syd Midnight - 2012-12-14


Simillion - 2012-12-13

Inspiring of many nerdy dialogues. The Spider Crab Queen is pleased. Favorited.

Maggot Brain - 2012-12-13

Pets of the elder gods tag?

Gmork - 2012-12-13

"Comfy in Nautica" gets the 5th star

Hooker - 2012-12-13

I agree with the stingray. Those things are Goddamn delicious.

fatatty - 2012-12-13

I've said it before, and I'll say it again: fuck the ocean.

Scurrie - 2012-12-16

Hey, that octopus is stuck in the crabs! Get out of there, octopus!

tankgirl - 2012-12-17

Life feeds on life, feeds on life, feeds on life..

Rudy - 2012-12-17

The ocean is so cool. We never should have left. Land sucks.

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