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Comment count is 6
cognitivedissonance - 2012-12-20

I had forgotten this one, but I remember liking it. It had a "Rocky and Bullwinkle" omnipresent snarky narrator thing.

Rodents of Unusual Size - 2012-12-20

It shocks me that this is not a 70s cartoon.

Caminante Nocturno - 2012-12-20

This and just about every other cartoon UPN had was aired on Sunday mornings, which is where cartoons went when they didn't have a chance in Hell.

Hailey2006 - 2012-12-20

It also aired on Fox Family for a little while, too!

Xenocide - 2012-12-20

This show was so strange. It was like an attempt to fuse Bullwinkle with Ren and Stimpy, but the result was nowhere near as good as either.

dairyqueenlatifah - 2012-12-23

I remember watching this while I was waiting for Sailor Moon to come on. A bizarre show indeed. I had completely forgotten it.

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