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Desc:The Shmenge Brothers give you an explanation of their 'different' Christmas.
Tags:SCTV, John Candy, eugene levy, Shmenge Brothers
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Comment count is 7
Bort - 2012-12-22

I voted this up, and I'm 5-starring it to not ruin anyone's Christmas, but I do not understand the appeal. Okay, mild parody of old world customs, but these guys aren't one-tenth as freaky as the Mummers:


cognitivedissonance - 2012-12-23

It's Eugene Levy and John Candy doing a classic bit, did you think these guys are real?

Bort - 2012-12-23

No, and that makes it worse. "Hey, let's come up with a wacky old world tradition." "How about they remove their shoes when they visit someone's house?" "COMEDY GOLD!"

Hay Belly - 2012-12-23

It was a funny bit and there were based on a real person calm down.

Oscar Wildcat - 2012-12-23

You would need some familiarity with the subject to find this bit of gentle ribbing funny. The sets, costumes and characters are all just magnificent.

Rudy - 2012-12-23

He takes off the shoes because he is the visitor.

boner - 2017-12-24

The resubmit is the wrong video, here's the right one - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B8bwmy3UGEE

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