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Comment count is 12
TeenerTot - 2013-01-12

Somehow this reminded me of diving into the Monolith.

The Mothership - 2013-01-12

Right, I know what my daughter is getting for her birthday.

Ursa_minor - 2013-01-12

Before he said "Wow" I had the distinct ghost sensation of holding a cream whipper in my right hand, and was searching for another nitrous canister with my left.

Squeamish - 2013-01-12

The laws of physics aren't supposed to sound like that!

Killer Joe - 2013-01-12

I saw... Teeth.

Blue - 2013-01-12

Why is it so expensive to buy a hyperscope? Now I really want one but it's just shy of a thousand dollars.

Dread Pirate Roberts - 2013-01-12

At first, I was like... "pleeeease..."

and at the end I was like... "........ D:"

B. Weed - 2013-01-12

That was kind of hypnotic.

Louddetective - 2013-01-12


Jet Bin Fever - 2013-01-13

Okay, I'm finding one.

Hatman - 2013-01-17

Yeah, this guy's whole channel is spectacular.

fluffy - 2013-03-17

I was half-expecting a wormhole to open up.

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