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Comment count is 17
EvilHomer - 2013-01-16

Blackface? This goes way beyond Blackface. This here is The Nerd Birth of a Nation.

And you CAN'T be a TROO NERD if you have a large internet following, you pink haired poseur, TROO NERDS are unpopular and unloved etc etc

hammsangwich - 2013-01-16

Unless they kidnapped all of these people in the middle of a D&D session, they aren't real nerds.

glasseye - 2013-01-16

Are you saying a reality show about nerds might employ actors instead of actual nerds? SAY IT AINT SO!

Stars for evil.

the_slurb - 2013-01-16

not sure if i should be ashamed or not, but I know two of these contestants

baleen - 2013-01-16



the_slurb - 2013-01-16

i highly doubt you want to know any of them bibically.

i've worked with two of them. sadly it doesnt appear that they are hamming it up for the camera. thats kinda how they are

Old_Zircon - 2013-01-16

Well played troll, TBS.

Hooker - 2013-01-16

Oh, you poor undesirables. America really is not laughing with you.

memedumpster - 2013-01-16

Over the last fifteen years nerds have literally enabled the police state by using technology, near universally, AGAINST the non-nerd citizen. This show doesn't go far enough to humiliate them. Not even close. I want pits with lions in them, real lions, and I want the Bush daughters to host this.

StanleyPain - 2013-01-16

I'm too much of a square SHEEPLE to have pink hair. Guess I'm a NORMAL.

Lef - 2013-01-16

Stars for Curtis Armstrong surfing on his fame as Booger. He's certainly come a long way from Moonlighting.

deadpan - 2013-01-16

George Takei auto-five script engaged.

Doomstein - 2013-01-16

Initiating Takei response-clip 'Delta'.


DriverStabby - 2013-01-16

This looks awful in every way.

Jet Bin Fever - 2013-01-16


PegLegPete - 2013-01-16

Ah so it's a reality show with slightly different losers.

Doomstein - 2013-01-16

No morbidly obese males with gravy-trapped neckbeards and stained X-men t-shirts?

It's set in a mansion and not a huge basement full of stale air, Megadeth LP's, and empty McDoalds bags?

What is this shit?

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