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Comment count is 9
StanleyPain - 2013-01-16

Hey man, this is, like, the futuristic n-word.

EvilHomer - 2013-01-17


StanleyPain - 2013-01-18


The Mothership - 2013-01-16

Took me a second to understand the tags. Odd choices, poopy.

poopy - 2013-01-16

Because I wanted you to use that extra second to notice the cow portrait. But I deleted "scissors."

dek863 - 2013-01-16

An extremely fun movie.

mouser - 2013-01-16

The version sold in Quebec actually isn't edited. He does say "fuck you".

Kabbage - 2013-01-16

I think I've seen this movie more than any other movie, period, just through reruns and such. To this day, an absolute delight.

FABIO - 2013-01-16

Weird how this movie bombed domestically. Only million domestically (0 million foreign though!).

Brilliant flow and editing. I get the feeling if you just looked at the script it would seem Pluto Nash levels of boring.

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