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Comment count is 13
simon666 - 2013-01-19

Could use a San Francisco tag.

Jimmy Labatt - 2013-01-19

He had me at the "retarded children on the bus" bit.

Syd Midnight - 2013-01-19

http://www.cracked.com/blog/worst-life-ever-the-story-of-kazuyuki- fujitas-skull/

DriverStabby - 2013-01-19

He's either less entertaining and relevant than he was 12 years ago, or I was 12 years younger then.

It is much funner hearing him read this article, than actually reading it.

Still, stars for Seanbaby.

wackyakmed - 2013-01-20

Yeah, it's hard to tell if the gay and rape jokes bother me more because the times have changed, or because I'm not a teenager anymore. Otherwise I thought it was pretty great.

Mancakes - 2013-01-19

Good shit, but why is he wearing motorcycle armor?

Riskbreaker - 2013-01-19

Looks like the outfit of the guy from Dead Rising 2

chumbucket - 2013-01-19

This is beautiful.

FABIO - 2013-01-19

It really hurts to see Seanbaby on the back burner writing Cracked articles while so many other horrible web personalities get big paydays: Maddox, Penny Arcade, Fred, so on.

Maybe he's just cool with where he is.

BorrowedSolution - 2014-06-01

I'd like to think that he is. If he self-published a collection of his articles in book (or comic-book) format, I'd buy one just to give something back for all the joy he's given me.

Vaidency - 2013-01-20

I neither know nor care anything about MMA, but I thought this story was pretty damned entertaining.

cognitivedissonance - 2013-01-20

I love Seanbaby. I find him hilarious. If I saw him approaching me, I'd cross a four line highway to avoid him.

poopy - 2013-01-24

Seanbaby's "i'm too much of a dudebro to be a REAL nerd" premise sucks. He belongs at cracked.com. 5 for COMEDY!

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