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Desc:Storytime with Kevin in which he relates his terror of asking Bruce Willis to do a thing
Category:Classic Movies, Arts
Tags:Kevin Smith, Bruce Willis, flinch
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Comment count is 12
Binro the Heretic - 2013-01-22

I liked the "Prom Bus" story more.

WHO WANTS DESSERT - 2013-01-22

and shit and shit like that and shit *fart* FUCK my wife's butthole

William Burns - 2013-01-22

Does he know what a bad look that is for him? Doesn't he work in a visual medium?

jangbones - 2013-01-23

he knows his audience

badideasinaction - 2013-01-22

Dunno if this comes up in the same talk but a friend was talking about this yesterday and saying that this movie, and particularly a dressing down Bruce Willis gave Smith when he realized Smith had no technical understanding at all pretty much swore Smith off of directing.

Binro the Heretic - 2013-01-22

The story about Willis tearing him a new asshole for not knowing which lens he was shooting with is in there, but the real reason for him giving up directing seems to be that he knows he just can't do it any more.

He as much as admits he lucked out early in his career and that "Zack and Miri Make a Porno" was a poor attempt to return to those days. He said he was getting out of film and into Internet-based media.

As much shit as Smith catches for being a talentless hack and everything, he at least deserves credit for knowing when to pack it in. He's made some awful films, but I find it hard to be mad at such a nice guy.

memedumpster - 2013-01-23

What, he only made one movie?


misterbuns - 2013-01-24

I watched him humiliate his wife at the DGA by inviting everyone to 'come over and fuck her'. She didnt look pleased. It was awkward.

So yeah. Nice guy.

1394 - 2013-01-22

I never realized Kevin Smith was that fat.

Change - 2013-01-23

You can see every contour of his bloated body through a baggy XXL hockey jersey.

Jet Bin Fever - 2013-01-24

It's impossible to write a comment about this without using a synonym for "fat." Well, I guess you could write something about "stupid" too.

Pillager - 2013-01-24

Whatever his failings as a director, his stories have always amused me.

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