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Comment count is 26
Old_Zircon - 2013-01-30


catpenis27 - 2013-01-30

All I heard was that the founding fathers of America and apparently a lot of men need a new spine and some testicles. It also comes off as one of those semi-SFW fetish things, like the ones that just call you a sissy and spank you or whatever, which led to the image of the late Strom Thurmond cranking his limp pecker with a will to this video coming into my head.

catpenis27 - 2013-01-30

Like I was willing to put money on hearing, "And God, and the Bible." at some point.

Cena_mark - 2013-01-30

She's a female conservative, so despite the dominant act she's really the submissive masochist.

Jet Bin Fever - 2013-01-30

I know I should comment about the content of this, but since they're counting on people only watching because she's "hot", I will say only that she really needs a better makeup/skincare regimen. A new brain couldn't hurt either.

Cena_mark - 2013-01-30

The push up bra is nice. It draws away from the face.

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2013-01-31

She's about as sexy as a Foley catheter

Blue - 2013-01-31

Speak for yourself! Foley catheters are fucking sexy.

This woman is not, thank god. My genitals are a bit contrarian, but they've got no love for people that are fucking stupid.

Bort - 2013-01-30

"Our Founding Fathers would be ashamed of you cowards."

Our Founding Fathers would rather do Beyonce.

Vaidency - 2013-01-30

Our founding fathers would probably think they had as much in common with furries as they do with tea partiers.

Kabbage - 2013-01-30

Yours, Bort

spikestoyiu - 2013-01-30

She's really getting her money's worth out of that top. If those things were any higher, she'd have trouble breathing.

paranex - 2013-01-30

And now you know what it's like to pick up blondes on the north side of any major Texas city.

Jet Bin Fever - 2013-01-30

haha I wish I still had stars for you.

chumbucket - 2013-01-30

Her voice doesn't help much either..wahwahwahwahhh

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2013-01-30


John Holmes Motherfucker - 2013-01-30


ashtar. - 2013-01-31

That thing where you edit out all the pauses from your speech. Stop it.

Scynne - 2013-01-31

Her themesong sounds the same as the one from For the Record...

sjohnson301 - 2013-01-31

She's trying to play the "hot Hooter's girl with a brain" thing, but she's missing by a mile in every direction. Also, the wet plastic bag with the realistic surgically removed testicles kinda came out of nowhere there at the end. What are those things, really? There are veins and everything.

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2013-01-31

I'm guessing they're from a gelded horse.

gravelstudios - 2013-01-31

I couldn't stand to watch more that a few seconds of this (and from what you guys have said, I definitely don't want to see the end). I really don't understand the whole 'creepy stepford wife' conservative beauty aesthetic.

Quad9Damage - 2013-01-31

Her delivery reminds me of a white Bible Belt daddy forcing his daughter to read some political/religious thing of his in front of Thanksgiving dinner or Sunday morning service. "THAS MUH GIRL. CHIP OFFER OL' PAPA SHE IS, RIGHT RANDY/REVEREND BEN?"

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2013-01-31

I usually bristle at the term "attention whore", but conservative attention whoring is definitely a thing, and it goes way beyond youtube. It's a great example of why conservatives are wrong about the market being the best way to sort things out. The market rewards this kind of assholery, and this kind of assholery is destroying the republican party, and America, and arguably, the world.

Quad9Damage - 2013-02-01

YouTube gals, a little tip: this Jenna Marbles routine you're running with as a Thing? It's not working for you. It's not really working for her. And it's sure as shit not going to work mixed with bitter Tea Party talking points.

Tasso - 2013-02-02

Continual cutting to the same shot to hide your inability to do a take over 3 seconds in length is probably the worst thing Youtube has made acceptable in video editing.

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