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Comment count is 6
jangbones - 2013-03-03

I kept waiting for that kid to start crying about his Cloudsong

SolRo - 2013-03-03

Trolling NASCAR fans seems like something I could get into.

Oktay - 2013-03-03

This guy's channel is full of awesome -- he seems to have a special fondness for NASCAR fans, and NASCAR fans deliver.

jangbones - 2013-03-03

think of NASCAR fans like football fans with less dignity

Bort - 2013-03-03

Steve Buscemi is a New York firefighter in real life, or at least he was before he went into acting, and he pitched in as a firefighter (not an actor looking for a photo op) after 9/11. If he wants to dictate what is athletic enough to be a sport, or whether NASCAR drivers have to deal with an inordinate amount of heat, I'm listening to him.

Trivia: the Twin Towers were made of tin. If they had been made of aluminum and metal, they probably would have survived.

Burnov - 2013-03-04

Oh my god.


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