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Comment count is 13
dairyqueenlatifah - 2013-03-13

"NO FAT CHICKS" - Pat Robertson

Baldr - 2013-03-13

This is the absolute best Robertson video I've ever seen. I love how his co-host might as well be saying, "And that's our Pat Robertson!", as she giggles uncontrollably in the last few seconds. And then he shifts into overdrive by throwing down some weapons-grade old-man grumbling about his marriage.

Pat Robertson has spent decades fighting Andy Rooney for the King of the Old Farts crown. At this point he's only a few more clips like this away from a new coronation.

SolRo - 2013-03-13

It's true!

Either they cheat on the men or stop looking like when we married them, forcing us to cheat.

Dont even get me started about their free will and not having sex with us whenever we want.

Binro the Heretic - 2013-03-14

It's like looking through a wormhole into the 1950s.

Quad9Damage - 2013-03-14

Dan Savage he's not.

Cheese - 2013-03-14

Battlefield 3 is REALLY good, son.

TheOtherCapnS - 2013-03-14

Only Pat Robertson can take you from "Awww" to "Ewww" to "Ugh" to *total loss of faith in humanity* in about 120 seconds. I mean, unless you are at all familiar with Pat Robertson. In that case, the entire time you are just bracing yourself, waiting for him to say something horrible and long term, waiting for him to die.

Xenocide - 2013-03-14

I feel bad for any teenager who seeks advice from this decaying sack of hate.

Innocent Bystander - 2013-03-14

Oh yeah Pat, you're such a well-preserved hunk of man that you can really tell women to get their act together.

TeenerTot - 2013-03-14

I could swear this is a dupe. But not found under "pat robertson" tag...hmm...

Quad9Damage - 2013-03-14

It's either a dupe or a case of every Pat Robertson clip being the same awful routine: a clueless person sends the old sack of shit a question. Pat hems and haws, makes radical assumptions, and employs his 1890s misogyny to give terrible advice. Finally, the black lady gets in a quip as the final word while secretly walking on eggshells and struggling to keep her job.

THA SUGAH RAIN - 2013-03-14

When he says it about women everyone wants to grab the pitchforks, but if some daytime housewife show started talking about how men need to clean up and work for the romance it would be a gigglefest of applauding women ready to waylay their husbands. #realtalk #THA SUGAH RAIN HAZ PROCLAIMETH

Blue - 2013-03-14

Misandry! I call misandry on the imaginary opposite of this video!

Seriously, though, most of what makes this awful is that Pat Robertson has reached this conclusion with only one piece of information - the husband spends an inordinate amount of time playing video games.

While a daytime talk show might suggest that a guy might not be putting any effort into his appearance (completely different context - men aren't expected to and they get made fun of if they do) there's no chance that they are going to let the woman off the hook for playing video games.

Not to suggest that daytime housewife shows aren't a war crime.

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