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Comment count is 9
John Holmes Motherfucker - 2013-03-22

Someday, thanks to Cisco and Russia 2045, we'll be able to watch this guy peeling skin off his foot wherever we go, projected on the inside of our eyelids, A NEW ERA FOR HUMANITY!

ashtar. - 2013-03-22

We will put tiny microchips in your foot so that you can just follow your foot skin on twitter and it will send you a tweet when it's ready to slough off.

I saw this on Tosh.0 before I saw it here, which makes me sad.

Robin Kestrel - 2013-03-22

Two more fortnights should do it.

catpenis27 - 2013-03-23

You could make a huaracha out of it.

Chocolate Jesus - 2013-03-22

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badideasinaction - 2013-03-22

Well, he has that worse than I do... usually I just get that on the balls of my feet.

pressed peanut sweepings - 2013-03-22


chumbucket - 2013-03-23

what a goddamn mess of feet

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2014-07-31

Well, at least it's not the Richard Stallman debacle.

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