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Comment count is 22
Millard - 2013-03-21

insidius87 3 months ago
gee guys i'd love to be on the guy's position, i would have got such a boner by inhaling those cheesy and stinky feet... yumyum

Millard - 2013-03-21

Alright, this is the creepiest youtube channel I've seen yet outside of those made by people who are obviously mentally ill. I feel bad for this poor blonde girl. Unless she's the fat guy's girlfriend and did all this via her own free will, in which case double ugh.

Simillion - 2013-03-22


fedex - 2013-03-22

great production values

Millard - 2013-03-22

If by "production values" you mean "gigantic knockers," then yes, I agree.

boner - 2013-03-22

It took willpower not to submit every video from this channel.

boner - 2013-03-22

Also this is what youtube will suggest when you are looking up how to shine your shoes.

EvilHomer - 2013-03-22

"I will tell you what.. this particular girl has very sexy feet.. and i wish i could have 1 conversation with her on facebook or something.. i love how she doesnt paint her toes.. and still has perfect feet.. awesome!!! whoever she is.. my hats off to her

Duane Stephens 6 monthd ago"

Google's "hey peons, stop using pseudonyms and start your dox-able Facebook names" policy is paying off, I see.

badideasinaction - 2013-03-21

I like the original version of the Radiohead video much better than this version, to be honest.

Billy the Poet - 2013-03-22

15 years I've been waiting, and it turns out the guy was just a creepy perv!

Jet Bin Fever - 2013-03-22

Nothing to see here folks. Just keep walking.

Robin Kestrel - 2013-03-22

They're merely exchanging long protein strings. If you can think of a simpler way, I'd like to hear it.

giygusattack - 2013-03-22

This looks like a classic case of "guy on the ground".

That guy - 2013-03-22

What- um, I-
I just watched two other ones. Is this fetish shit? What is this? What's up with the blunted affects? What state is this?
Why are humans doing this?


fatatty - 2013-03-23

You didn't get off to this?

Adham Nu'man - 2013-03-22

He was really lucky that her illogical conclusion just happened to match his crazy fetish. She could just as easily have said "well I could punch a priest if that helps your energy come back.

Enjoy - 2013-03-22

Almost calls for another SFW Fetish Week

Old_Zircon - 2013-03-23

When did the last one end?

PANDAR - 2013-03-22

The Actor made by the same folks just needs a little Angelo Badalamenti and youve got a David Lynch short.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3P3lV5nd3Ok&feature=share&list= UU2enHO_vyDPXdwXqUw_dOZw

Old_Zircon - 2013-03-23

Wow, that works a little too well:

http://www.youtubemultiplier.com/514e47114afe2-the-actor-a-sho rt-film-by-david-lynch.php

I hope you don't mind me borrowing your idea, it deserves a submission.

chumbucket - 2013-03-23

yeah that's normal

Spaceman Africa - 2013-03-24

We've all had one of those days

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