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Desc:Paranoid schizophrenic plays 30 minutes of muffled audio 'proof' people say 'gangstalking' near her
Category:Crime, Educational
Tags:paranoid schizophrenia, Gang stalking, Gangstalking, organized stalking, exposesocialservices
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Comment count is 9
SolRo - 2013-03-27

Woo, finally the crazies in my town make their POETV debut.

StanleyPain - 2013-03-27

So, how is the sequester going to effect gangstalking?

sasazuka - 2013-03-27

The sequester doesn't seem to be affecting gangstalking that much. I mean, they're evidently still able to pay all of these "Sandy Hook actors" 0 a day each to perform "street theater" near StealthWaveF22Raptor while he waits in the ER.




sasazuka - 2013-03-27

She has dozens, if not hundreds, of videos exactly like this (on multiple accounts, see also "expsoingsdpd1"), and the only person I ever hear saying "gangstalking" is her.

Particularly lulzy in this one is that she felt the need to include the audio of her going to the bathroom from about 17:00 to 19:00. Lots of creepy breathing sounds.

sasazuka - 2013-03-27

Here's another video of hers filmed on location where you can clearly hear some guy not saying "gangstalking" even though she claims he did.

I think he's speaking Italian, though she claims he's speaking German.


bopeton - 2013-03-27

She went to buy a new recorder because this one was running out of memory...

SteamPoweredKleenex - 2013-03-27

You CAN'T delete the EVIDENCE, you fool! How else will THEY be EXPOSED?!

SolRo - 2013-03-28

Joke's on them, all the digital recorders link wirelessly GS HQ. Any evidence recorded is professionally edited to sound like normal people talking.

memedumpster - 2013-03-28

If you go into your bathroom, turn off all the lights, look in the mirror, and say "gangstalker gangstalker gangstalker," I can see you.

So please don't.

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