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Comment count is 24
Enjoy - 2013-03-27

Not that I agree with him. Voting on rights is always a terrible idea; they should be constitutionally granted and interpreted by sane justices.

Still, Piers Morgan and whoever the fuck that blonde lady is just make me want to side with the fellow the sat in the audience.

Old_Zircon - 2013-03-27

Piers Morgan isn't really any better than Bill O'Reilly, I just happen to agree with him on stuff sometimes.

jangbones - 2013-03-27

same...whenever Morgan takes the side of an issue that I am on, I cringe, he's an embarrassment

Rodents of Unusual Size - 2013-03-28

Wait, what? You don't know who Suzie Orman is? She's a financial guru. She's had more bestsellers than Anne Coulter. Seriously?

Also, I am wondering why the hell no one asked this guy about the fact that the vast majority of people who are anti gay marriage are also against gays having the rights to adopt, or have financial benefits for Social Security or health care, or inheritance, let alone tax breaks. Also, no one brought up next of kin rights for family exist, but no such law exists for gay partners if there is no will.

When you consider all of the financial limitations, it is quite mean and unnecessary in addition to whatever beliefs someone has. It's a huge part of why it has gone before the Supreme Court because DOMA punishes rather than protects anything.

Also, no one called him out on the implication (and a very keenly implied one) that somehow children need to be protected from a world where gay marriage exists. No one brought up the fact that he is deeply implying that children are endangered by it.

Comments welcome!

baleen - 2013-03-28

Piers Morgan is a sociopathic sack of shit and I can't bear to see his ass face for one second. So I'm not going to watch this.

Cena_mark - 2013-03-27

I only watched a little bit of it, but he seems to have a major hang up on procreation. Yup, that's all its about. Babies, babies, babies. Its like the anti-gay marriage movement should join the Quiverfuls.

Cena_mark - 2013-03-27

Also all this talk about Procreation cheapens straight marriage as just some kind of breeding thing.

Blue - 2013-03-27

They seem to think that the government has to convince people to pair off and have families.

That always makes me think of that video where Singapore urges people to have babies on National Night*. The government literally runs the dating services there. Apparently they're having problems with population after a similar campaign to get people to not have babies was a little too successful.

*No, it's nothing like independence day. Singapore didn't win their independence, they got kicked out. They are literally the only country that has ever been kicked out of another one, and they should all feel terrible about it.

jangbones - 2013-03-27

they touched on this at the supreme court hearings...if gay marriage should be illegal because it cannot produce children, should we be giving fertility tests to heterosexual couples past the age of 55 that want to marry?

Meerkat - 2013-03-27

Absolutely. Old people sex is icky.

Blue - 2013-03-27

My big question is why are the people that think government is too big and has too much control over our lives supporting this government takeover of our most personal of decisions.

I mean, it's stupid to think that the government's policies are somehow creating all these nuclear families, but imagine what that would actually look like. People have no interest in dating, but then the government comes with it's tax incentives or whatever and convince them to marry and have babies despite their homosexuality, preference for celibacy, or hatred of children. Now that is a motherfucking overreach and it's fucking unfair to these unwanted children that were only created because of whatever incentive the government was offering.

jangbones - 2013-03-27

because the talk about fear of big government is complete bullshit

they hate the government when it does things in the interests of people who are different than they are...ask most pretend-libertarians about the drone program or stop-and-frisk or the death penalty, and they are all for it

Old_Zircon - 2013-03-27

Fuck it, zero population growth is a worthy goal, gay marriage should be mandated for all.

Rodents of Unusual Size - 2013-03-28

Well it's not just old people who are infertile. An infertile straight couple will want to adopt just as much as a gay couple that doesn't have children. Who is better? Making a marriage distinction makes that pre-conceived notion into law.

Deplorable - 2013-03-28

They better put needles into ballsacks for the fertility tests, cause my tax dollars aren't going to support the sin of masturbation!

Blue - 2013-03-27

Oh, and for the record, when these fuckers are talking about how marriage is for creating babies and shit, that's not just anti-gay. Straight people, these fuckers are gunning for you. They want to take away your sex.

When they talk about gay sex, they're talking about every time you fucked your spouse or lover and weren't trying to make a baby. When they talk about abortion, it's all about contraception. They want to make contraception unreliable because they don't want you fucking for pleasure.

They advocate not having sex before marriage. How in the fuck are you supposed to know if this person is sexually compatible with you? They don't care.

Sex isn't the most important thing, but it is one of life's most wonderful pleasures and these people want to shit all over your life so they can fill that cesspit with Jesus. Tell them to fuck off.

Cena_mark - 2013-03-27

Being against abortion while being against contraception is like being against both heat injuries and helmets.

Blue - 2013-03-27

I'm not aware of any anti-abortion organizations that aren't against contraception. There's a reason for that. There are people that are "against abortion", but here's the thing: They don't support outlawing it. That does very little to reduce the number of abortions and leaves a lot of women seriously injured or dead. Free condoms and sex education reduce abortion rates far better than outlawing abortion, even in countries where it is a capital offense.

FABIO - 2013-03-28

I thought it was nuts when I read 1984 as a teenager, but Orwell knew his stuff when he wrote about the anti-sex league.

The first step of any fanatical organization to foster loyalty and zeal is to boot stomp a nice big wedge between sexually satisfied couples.

Old_Zircon - 2013-03-28

Thing is, Huxley was also right, it can work either way.

FABIO - 2013-03-28

The list of entities that have repressed sexuality in their followers is too numerous to count.

I can't think of many societies that closely mirror Huxley's vision. The Roman empire?

Jet Bin Fever - 2013-03-27

It takes a big man to sit 20 feet away from someone and tell them they disagree with them.

memedumpster - 2013-03-28

Poor weaslit, he went to piss on Piers Morgan and it splashed all over his legs.

Uulanbaatorbaby - 2013-03-28

Actually blue, there is at least one secular pro-life group that is against abortion while supporting contraception.


They seem to be a drop in the ocean compared to the "Babbies are for jesus"-crowd, but they do exist.

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