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Comment count is 11
WHO WANTS DESSERT - 2013-04-06

Truth serum is about as real as multiple personality disorder, so it fits

James Woods - 2013-04-06

Agreed. My mother behaves like this. Pretty sure she's full of shit and just didn't feel like being a parent anymore at some point. She's always like puppies and kittens and has no interest in dogs or cats.

James Woods - 2013-04-06

Probably TMI.

misterbuns - 2013-04-06

Glad to see you're making gains on your case, WWD. If you stay on course you'll be OT by june.

strangewink - 2013-04-06

Pretending to be crazy is still the championship of attention whoring. "Hate hate hate hate hate." She actually summed it up pretty succinctly.

Old_Zircon - 2013-04-06

I wonder if there are people who pretend to have M�nchausen syndrome.

memedumpster - 2013-04-07

Old Zircon..., mind... blow.

memedumpster - 2013-04-07


Blue - 2013-04-06

Does anybody remember if there was someone claiming to have DID on POE-red?

Sudan no1 - 2013-04-07

There were a bunch of them, they even had their own "multiples" community which was hilarious because they were in a constant state of trying to out-drama one another.

kamlem - 2013-04-06

At least these people are receiving treatment and making progress, unlike many of our other exhibits.

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