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Comment count is 18
SteamPoweredKleenex - 2013-04-06

I love the end to 3:08. You can almost imagine "sad trombone" playing along with the windshield wipers.

catpenis27 - 2013-04-07

Listen for Suka (bitch) Blyat (whore) and anything that sounds like hoo-ee and those are the cussings.

Vaidency - 2013-04-06

There are about 4 separate clips in here where someone slows down to turn left and another driver tries to accelerate around them on the left.

simon666 - 2013-04-06

Holy shit! 1:05

sosage - 2013-04-06

We'll be the judge of what does or does not lose points around here buddy...

Aelric - 2013-04-06

Russians go through cars like toilet paper.

SteamPoweredKleenex - 2013-04-06

Whatever they use to mount the dashcams seems pretty damn sturdy. If they built the cars out of whatever that stuff was, nobody would get hurt.

sosage - 2013-04-07

I have a feeling that if dash cams were as prevalent in the U.S. as they are in Russia, we would be in the running for the "people who toss their cars into anything" gold medal.

Aelric - 2013-04-07

As someone fairly well traveled at this point, I must say that despite what we feel about our own drivers in the US, we are some of the better drivers out there. Not to perpetuate the stereotype, but in Asia, i said a prayer every time I got in a damn cab and often had near misses when I rode my motorcycle. The US has downright polite drivers, whereas many other places have highly skilled but way overly aggressive drivers with no concept of self-preservation.

SteamPoweredKleenex - 2013-04-08

Yeah, I had a poly sci prof that said when she was traveling in Europe/Asia and (I think) Israel, the people there would be amazed that we actually stopped for red lights.

Adham Nu'man - 2013-04-08

Agreed, I am not from the States but I have traveled there on several occasions and driving is an absolute pleasure, in great part because of how civilized your driving style is.

I was in Houston two days after Hurricane Ike and the power was out and not a single traffic light was working and several underpasses were flooded and people advised me not to go out because it would be total chaos. The whole thing was actually a much more pleasant driving experience than my downtown area on any average day.

fedex - 2013-04-06

Notes on todays video:

1. 1:31 - backupbackupbackup

2. 1:47 - even in the year 2046 people can't drive

3. 3:08 - the brave little windshield wiper

4. 4:49 - holy shit

5. 6:26 - very lucky pedestrians

Nominal - 2013-04-06

How has nobody mentioned the entire 4th minute as the highlight?

4:02- A prize to anyone who can tell me what that van driver was trying to do.

4:19- The background pop music makes so many of these.

4:30- There's nothing quite like that feeling between losing complete control over a car and the second or two before you know you're going to wreck.

4:49- Fuck fuck FUCK FUUCK FUUUUCK!!!!!! Hands down the clear winner.

Honorable mention at 5:17. How did nobody see that coming?

Redford - 2013-04-07

What gets me about these videos is that about half of these cameras seemingly have non functioning sound recording features. The result is eerie silence, even in the face of crushing glass and rending metal.

DavidBowiesLuckyTennisBall - 2013-04-07

On reflection, I'm hoping that everyone walked away from these accidents... I don't want to have accidentally posted a snuff video.

American Standard - 2013-04-07

Why do so many Russians have dash cams? Someone once told me it's because insurance fraud and phony pedestrian vs. vehicle extortion schemes are so common there, But is that true?

Also, good job hitting that cop car, dude.

SteamPoweredKleenex - 2013-04-08

That's what they say, though it seems enough weird stuff goes on (including meteors) that they can be a source of amusement and YouTube ad revenue. If they can somehow tie cats into it, Russia will be unstoppable.

Gommorrah - 2013-04-07

i'm never going to complain about people driving too slow on wet roads ever again.

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