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Comment count is 22
zerdzer - 2013-04-10

i'm going back to waterloo where the vampires hang out

dementomstie - 2013-04-10

So... is that hyphenated?

William Topaz McGonagall - 2013-04-10

Take them.

Paracelsus - 2013-04-10

Wow. The psychotic eyes get me every time.

That guy - 2013-04-10

How do I be or do this?

takewithfood - 2013-04-10

I used to live about 2 blocks from there. It's fucked up that this makes me a little homesick.

PegLegPete - 2013-04-10

He waivers perfectly between harmless crazy and dangerous crazy whole whole time.

chumbucket - 2013-04-10

He has a lot to say, where's his YT channel?

baleen - 2013-04-10

This made me laugh really, really hard.

baleen - 2013-04-10

And major props to the hot interviewer for being completely cool, collected and even sensitive to what this dude was saying.

deadpan - 2013-04-10

She's working really hard to not laugh.

EvilHomer - 2013-04-10

Was this a shoot, or a work? The way she handles it, and the fact that the camera guy doesn't cut away makes me question the rant's authenticity.

themilkshark - 2013-04-27

It's a shoot. There are no hashtags written on anyone's body parts.

Jet Bin Fever - 2013-04-10


VanillaJ - 2013-04-10

I'm from Waterloo, Ontario, and we don't smile.

Old_Zircon - 2013-04-11

Makes sense.

Hatman - 2013-04-11

TL;DR His name is Spiro

Change - 2013-04-11

That ending.

That last line.

Rodents of Unusual Size - 2013-04-14

Back atcha, sir.

Kumquatxop - 2013-04-14

I am pretty sure he is talking about Waterloo the battle

mustard - 2013-04-16


Juice Eggs McKenna - 2018-11-03

Oh how did I miss this. The bongos.

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