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Comment count is 27
memedumpster - 2013-04-11

I like that this video has a younger generation who is going to be treated as if they held the opinions of the older generation in this video. I look forward to treating them that way, because fuck their party, it needs to end.

Gmork - 2013-04-12

...and this is why you're unable to engage in intelligent discourse when partisanship is even remotely involved. Five stars for _your_ evil.

kingarthur - 2013-04-12

No, ever since the Southern strategy they deserve everything coming to them. And that's not even starting on all the Milton Friedman Chicago and Austrian economics school Ayn Rand Evangelical bullshit.

memedumpster - 2013-04-12

They're young, white, future GOP bloodthirsty shark politicians, they can handle me, they know it's part of the job and they'll do it with a toothy smile.

You, however, seem to derive no joy from politics.

asian hick - 2013-04-12

hahaha i come to poetv for intelligent discourse.

simon666 - 2013-04-12

We can have intelligent discourse whenever we want.

Gmork - 2013-04-12

we all know you don't, asian hick!

baleen - 2013-04-12

Gmork, continuing to shed light on the fact that nobody gives a shit about what you think. Please do continue your virtuous quest to bring fair and balanced reporting to poetv.com. One day we will understand the gun control debate in a more open minded fashion, and you will be declared the winner.

You've never actually said anything intelligent here yourself, so I'll be waiting on your mark.

SteamPoweredKleenex - 2013-04-11

I'm unconvinced. I'd say it's more likely that they've finally realized if they're on camera, they should probably disagree with whatever's being said so they don't let it slip that they want certain people to be killed, outlawed, or used for food additives in prison cafeterias.

Spaceman Africa - 2013-04-11

It's so good that guy will probably be dead soon.

Jet Bin Fever - 2013-04-11

I have to pause this and come back to it later. It is really making my brain hurt. Fighting stupidity with more stupidity... it's a never ending spiral.

Bort - 2013-04-11

It's adorable that the College Republicans invoke the legal principle of "dibs" in a discussion over land ownership.

These kids make the right noises about overt racism, but I bet they all sympathize with George Zimmerman.

Cena_mark - 2013-04-12

They too have a crippling fear of young black males.

Caminante Nocturno - 2013-04-12

Yay young republicans for managing to toss themselves over one of the many, MANY incredibly low bars we've set for them! Look at that, they don't subscribe to the kind of racism that went out of style back in the 1970's! At this pace, they'll reach the 21st century sometime around 2056!

Old_Zircon - 2013-04-12

Bull Moose Party 2016.

Old_Zircon - 2013-04-12

The whales.

Riskbreaker - 2013-04-12

Yeah guys, i mean, it could be whiter you know.

themilkshark - 2013-04-12

This video is amazing. Old guy starts off by stroking their egos about how impressively white they are, and literally doesn't back off of the notion that young white Americans need to propagate the superior gene so we never get outnumbered.

At 4:30 there's some great young republican in-fighting over calling someone a "Paultard"

Rodents of Unusual Size - 2013-04-12

Slavery, supremacy, separatism, class warfare...


(close up of flag flying proudly)

Hooker - 2013-04-12

I just cannot stand it when people argue points differently than I would. After he launches into his "your geneological history would be changed / the link would be broken" bullshit, they just let it slide. Argh.

Old_Zircon - 2013-04-12

They probably know even less about genetics than he does.

Cheese - 2013-04-12

This guys group, A3P, was hacked by Anonymous last year. Apparently this guy was at CPAC specifically to meet with Ron Paul.

mon666ster - 2013-04-12

I learned something today. I learned that just because you're not a racist, it does not automatically follow that you are smart.

Also, Republican conventions are full of people who seemingly even hate other factions within their own party. OK, I already would have guessed that. But I'm just pointing it out so that I can say "Paultard".

Old_Zircon - 2013-04-12

On one hand, not being a verbally oriented person and as a result not being able to coherently presenting your argument doesn't necessarily mean a person isn't smart. On the other hand, not realizing that about yourself and acting as if you can and are coherently presenting your argument DOES generally mean you aren't smart.


zerobackup - 2013-04-12

Girl's face on the left side of the preview image says it all.

ashtar. - 2013-04-12

The preload is quite the tableaux. It would make a good oil painting.

Comeuppance - 2013-04-14

I can never watch videos like this all the way through. I want to argue with them, but they're not in front of me. Both sides keep saying stupid or borderline irrelevant things, and skip over the easy logical shutdowns.

Example: "Would the chain not be broken?"
Of what value is the "chain?" Why would it matter at all? There's no inherent advantage or superiority to having a consistent background in your ethnicity.

"All of the other ethnicities protect their lands." "If we went over to China and tried to set up a colony, we'd be pushed out"
Yeah, because, you know, it's CHINA. They're not too keen on even neighboring countries being independent, so I doubt they'd be too happy about someone trying to create their own settlement inside their mainland. Poor choice of example country aside, this kind of thing actually happens all the time. Almost every sizable country has areas that are dominated by a specific ethnicity. Have you ever been to South Africa? Biiiiiig pocket of white people.

"Is it an act of intelligence to give away your land?"
I can't believe they let this one slide. Your skin color does not confer ownership of the land. A black American has just as much claim to the land he stands on as a white, asian, hispanic, etc.

"Lots of people joined Save the Whales"
That's an effort to save a species, not a color variation. Apples to racist oranges.

Five stars of frustration.

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