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Comment count is 8
Toenails - 2013-04-25

Okay, I'm not familiar with Lady Gaga at all, does she actually reference being prudent for (and I quote) "Capital H - i - m"?

Toenails - 2013-04-25

For those that don't want to watch this garbage, just begin at 1:13 and listen for as long as you are humanly able to.

Damenbinde - 2013-04-26

All the lyrics in this version are from "Born This Way", there's just also a lot of words missing.

memedumpster - 2013-04-25

Seriously, how the hell did MK Ultra NOT find a way to control peoples' minds? There's like six million different ways to do it.

Old_Zircon - 2013-04-25

You think if they knew how to control minds they'd waste their time working for the government?

lordyam - 2013-04-26


Jet Bin Fever - 2013-04-25

I had to look up the lyrics, because I purposely avoid music like this.
But, the nearest I can tell, they skip the following lyrics from the original song:

"No matter gay, straight or bi, Lesbian, transgendered life, I'm on the right track, baby I was born to survive"

And, even more confusing:

"No matter black, white or beige Chola or orient made I'm on the right track, baby I was born to be brave."

So even thought they have every color of kid in the video a lyric referencing skin color is also too much for Kidz Bop.

Pope Caius - 2013-04-26

They got rid of "Don't be a drag, just be a queen" too. Though that was a stupid line anyway.

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