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Desc:No nipples, but plenty of flesh on display. Viewer discretion *Strongly* advised
Category:Horror, News & Politics
Tags:fupa, bbw, south carolina, pannus, Monica Dixon
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Comment count is 9
CornOnTheCabre - 2013-04-22

"The news conference was promoting Palmetto Pride's Zero Tolerance for Litter Campaign, a statewide education and law enforcement effort to curtail littering."

About time someone stood up to those monsters.

fedex - 2013-04-22

Go ahead and laugh but my father was killed by a serial litterrer.

dairyqueenlatifah - 2013-04-22

The stammering dialog is what really makes this.

Jet Bin Fever - 2013-04-22

Plenty of flesh on display. I should have heeded that warning.

Old_Zircon - 2013-04-23

I thought it was going to be because she was almost naked, but that underwear is way less revealing than most swimsuits. Yet the description doesn't lie.

boner - 2013-04-22

You get handcuffed for that?

love - 2013-04-22

carrying that much melanin in public? you bet.

memedumpster - 2013-04-22

Around here you usually get the opportunity to pick up your litter and do the right thing. Imagine what a heartwarming ending it would be if she had put her clothes back on, everyone applauding, taken a bow, and gone about her day. Imagine how cool life would be if most encounters ended that exact same way.

SixDigitDebt - 2013-04-22

0:03 was the most wonderfully awkward sound.

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