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Comment count is 18
Cena_mark - 2013-04-25

Looks like a dying tradition.

Jet Bin Fever - 2013-04-25

It won't die off soon enough.

Cena_mark - 2013-04-25

The Confederacy lasted less than 5 years and that was over 150 years ago. They're like history's equivalent of Firefly fans. The show was cancelled over 10 years ago, GET OVER IT!

kingarthur - 2013-04-25

I know more than one person who got into Firefly because they thought it was some allegory of confederate soldiers moving west after the civil war.

Bort - 2013-04-25

Are you talking about the show dedicated to helping someone escape involuntary servitude, where she is treated like an animal to serve at her owners' pleasure until she dies?

That said, there is definitely a "Lost Cause" vibe to "Firefly", if you watch the pilot episode and the scenes from the war. So those folks you're referring to aren't just imagining it. Myself, I'm waiting for Joss Whedon's new series "Gem�tlichkeit", loosely modeled on brave citizens of the Fatherland coping with the chaos caused by those meanies, the Allies.

memedumpster - 2013-04-25

My favorite part of Firefly was where they called themselves "rebels" and used ancient religion, the white side of the force, to overthrow the scariest black man in the galaxy, but then their robot slaves, the Silos, kicked them off their 12 Germanies and made them wagon train it through black, racist space.

Mother_Puncher - 2013-04-25

Everything is more sad and stupid with a bagpipe

Squeamish - 2013-04-25

Five stars solely for this comment.

memedumpster - 2013-04-25

I know we all like to insult the Confederacy, but bagpipes is going too far.

chumbucket - 2013-04-25

"The old miss. The old man. Deep river..."

CIWB - 2013-04-25

"Video by Newt Cooter Rayburn, The Local Voice."

TeenerTot - 2013-04-25

"Dixieland" on bagpipes.

Oh, look! A confederate flag being carried by a confederate flag supported round the ankles by confederate flags!

Tasteless in every way.

Caminante Nocturno - 2013-04-25

The South will never rise again.

Paracelsus - 2013-04-25

It's far too fat. It will, however, make loud noises from its salt, fat, sugar, and alcohol-induced stupor.

1394 - 2013-04-26

The South Will Hoveround Again

Miss Henson's 6th grade class - 2013-04-25

Okay, so I'm not going to watch the whole thing, but I thought I'd take this opportunity to say that American men dress terribly, and should shape up. These aren't the worst offenders, since we've got at least one guy who isn't wearing shorts and another guy in a very nice Tom Wolfe white suit, but really? If you really cared about this event, maybe you wouldn't dress like you were nipping down to Wal-Mart for some charcoal briquettes and a bag of Tostitos, yes? Take off that goddamn baseball cap, for Pete's sake!

Nominal - 2013-04-25

A thousand stars to the first person to submit a pissing on Confederate monuments montage.

kingarthur - 2013-04-26

I now have a mission next time I'm made to drive through Mississippi. Of course, one of the biggest confederate monuments of all is right here in Biloxi....

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