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Comment count is 9
SolRo - 2013-04-29

Wonder how many thousands of dollars more this costs than importing a regular high function toilet from Japan.



godot - 2013-04-29

Runs $ 5000. A Toto Washlet seat will set you back about $ 800, but doesn't play music.

gravelstudios - 2013-04-29

I love the insinuation that beautiful women will want to spend the night if you have one of these. If I didn't know it was a toilet, I'd think it was a car commercial.

baleen - 2013-04-29

There are unfortunately certain kinds of women that would be impressed with being able to completely mask their farts and plops with 1920's jazz music while drinking vintage Bordeaux. Also a stylishly clean lady arena will make a lady more confident in asking for oral sex when it's time for getting into the sack. I think it's pretty straightforward.

Shoebox Joe - 2013-04-29

Everything is getting smaller these days.

Killer Joe - 2013-04-29

"It has an incredible camera, too."

fedex - 2013-04-29

can I watch porn on it?

Syd Midnight - 2013-04-29

For some reason I had it confused with the Kuhler CPU cooling system and for a moment I was wondering how and why they were making a product to cool asses

Jet Bin Fever - 2013-04-29

I was hoping it was the Kohler "Nomi." Alas.

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